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No yellow light on the go in US?

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  • No yellow light on the go in US?

    How come there is no yellow light when from green to yellow and green then go in US?

    Like in Asia and UK.

  • #2
    Originally posted by pbateson
    How come there is no yellow light when from green to yellow and green then go in US?

    Like in Asia and UK.
    Thats a good question. In New Zealand it goes green then orange/yellow (for about 3 seconds) then red for stopping. For going it's red to green.

    The orange/yellow light is vital, it tells you stop only if it's safe to do so before the red comes on. I'd be interested to hear exactly how it works in the U.S.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Messerschmitt Man
      Thats a good question. In New Zealand it goes green then orange/yellow (for about 3 seconds) then red for stopping. For going it's red to green.

      The orange/yellow light is vital, it tells you stop only if it's safe to do so before the red comes on. I'd be interested to hear exactly how it works in the U.S.
      In the US Green is go, yellow is slow down, then red is stop.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Crunk415balla
        In the US Green is go, yellow is slow down, then red is stop.
        So essentially it's the same as in NZ/U.K etc. What's there to discuss then?


        • #5
          Sorry but yellow is not "slow down". Yellow is your clue that the red light is coming and you are only to enter the intersection if you cannot safetly stop (ie the guy behind would rear end you). If you are at the crosswalk and the light goes yellow proceed through, if you are approaching the intersection and it goes yellow you better hit the brakes, not the gas.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ptbodale
            Sorry but yellow is not "slow down". Yellow is your clue that the red light is coming and you are only to enter the intersection if you cannot safetly stop (ie the guy behind would rear end you). If you are at the crosswalk and the light goes yellow proceed through, if you are approaching the intersection and it goes yellow you better hit the brakes, not the gas.
            That's what I was taught.

            If I remember correctly, the Ontario license book says something along the lines of:
            Green: Proceed if you can do so safely
            Yellow: Stop if you can do so safely, otherwise proceed with caution
            Stop: Stop

            I wonder how many people take a "STOP" sign to actually mean "STOP". I took my grandmother shopping thursday and I waited in the car. The parking spot looked over a three way stop. No one came to a full stop.

            Recurrent driver testing would be great.


            • #7
              Here in New York yellow means floor it to make through the intersection. Most folks here seem to think that as long as your front bumper is in the intersection when the light turns red you are ok.

              Also there seems to be a New York state law that even if the light turns red, three cars are allowed to make a left hand turn even though they were not in the intersection when it turned. Of course this law only applies during the rush hour.


              • #8
                Originally posted by mapguy
                Also there seems to be a New York state law that even if the light turns red, three cars are allowed to make a left hand turn even though they were not in the intersection when it turned. Of course this law only applies during the rush hour.
                We've got that one as well. It's gotta be correct, it happens even at the intersections that have cameras. :rolleyes:

                I like the intersections in Calgary that have a flashing light 100 or so meters away from the interseection that tell you when the green is about to change. I've seen a couple around here. They're quite handy.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mapguy
                  Here in New York yellow means floor it to make through the intersection. Most folks here seem to think that as long as your front bumper is in the intersection when the light turns red you are ok.

                  Also there seems to be a New York state law that even if the light turns red, three cars are allowed to make a left hand turn even though they were not in the intersection when it turned. Of course this law only applies during the rush hour.
                  Rush hour law only applies for The City and Metro area of NYC. Not Upstate


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by pbateson
                    How come there is no yellow light when from green to yellow and green then go in US?

                    Like in Asia and UK.
                    In Asia, the lights work the same as the US or anywhere else. There's an amber light before the red light comes on, but there's no light in between the switch from red to green.
                    "The Director also sets the record straight on what would happen if oxygen masks were to drop from the ceiling: The passengers freak out with abandon, instead of continuing to chat amiably, as though lunch were being served, like they do on those in-flight safety videos."

                    -- The LA Times, in a review of 'Flightplan'


                    • #11
                      In the US the yellow light means "hurry up so you don't have to stop!"
                      At least that's what most Americans think.


                      • #12
                        In Canada (like most other places), the light sequencing for a go is Red then Green. For a stop: Green to Yellow/Amber to Red.

                        However, in HK (which follows a UK system, don't know about elsewhere in Asia), when signaling for a go the sequencing goes: Red to Red AND Yellow together, then to Green. The reverse is like everyone else. I believe that is probably the different sequencing the original post was refering to.


                        • #13
                          In the US I wish we had the yellow light come on before the green to give a warning. I end up banging my head against the steering wheel for five seconds while waiting for the idiot ahead of me to figure out the light has changed to green.

                          Van Hoolio's Photos


                          • #14
                            Yellow light= GO REAL FAST!



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by HKG-YUL
                              However, in HK (which follows a UK system, don't know about elsewhere in Asia), when signaling for a go the sequencing goes: Red to Red AND Yellow together, then to Green. The reverse is like everyone else. I believe that is probably the different sequencing the original post was refering to.
                              I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) that the red+amber phase is there so that drivers with manual transmission can get their cars in gear so that they can move right away when the light really turns green.
                              However, in North America, where 9 out of 10 cars, maybe even more, are automatic, there really is no point in having this extra sequence.

