I watched abit of the first one and did'nt like it, And I have no plans on watching any of them!
No announcement yet.
What do u think about the new Harry Potter?
How about a anti-potter alliance (for those who don't like him)... the logo will be the Star Alliance star with Harry's head inside... and u can meet and talk about KKK and drink some orange juice.
OK if u don't like HP it's ok... some like som don't... it's up to you. But don't be like my freind who watches EURO 2004
Originally posted by pkonowrockiBut don't be like my freind who watches EURO 2004
In fact, I'll be glued to my sofa when World Cup 2006 starts!
Originally posted by YWG ChickYou couldn't PAY me to see it.
I haven't been to the theatre for 2 years, and I don't plan on breaking that trend. There just aren't any good movies anywhere. Add in social irresponsibility from the part of Hollywood (re: 50 Cent movie). This does not provide impetus for one to support the entertainment industry.
Originally posted by avro_arrow_25206Nothing wrong with that!
In fact, I'll be glued to my sofa when World Cup 2006 starts!
And I can't wait for World Cup 2006
Go Poland, go !!!
Originally posted by YWG Chickaww... I'm not ANIT-potter, I'm just not interested in movies like that. I'd probably fall asleep. No offence to people who like it.
Originally posted by Messerschmitt ManAs for over 18 year olds being into Potter, let me just say you’d have a field day with Peter Pan Man.And I'm just about to go to bed too... I hate you!!!
.... is it ok to be 19 and like harry potter without having to have ANYTHING to do with the gay Peter Pan?? Pretty please??
Kev still gets miffed if I laugh when Daniel Radcliffe (the guy that plays potter in the movies) is on tv... and OF COURSE I can't help laughing...Just seeing Kevin's expression every time he's on tv is the best!
Originally posted by AC_A340-500I took my girlfriend to the movie on Friday for the 11:30 PM show. We both thought it was pretty good. And we're waaaaaay past grade five. Heck, we're even way past post secondary ed. Good show, I recommend it to anyone. However, I did think the ending was quite abrupt.