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G.W.Bush's elegant exit.

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  • G.W.Bush's elegant exit.

    Disclaimer: That link is not bait to start a political discussion; I will not participate in this thread if things turn political.

  • #2
    yeah, that exit thing is slighty embarassing but we've all tried to go through locked doors before. That was a pretty dumb question of the reporter, but I think the pres should have answered it with a little bit nicer. People all over the place already dont like him much, no need in making it worse when you can just say "eh, I wouldn't say that, just a little jet lagged"


    • #3
      At least he didn't fall on his ass like I have done.

      I tried to open a door and it wouldn't open. The thrust of me trying to open made me fall backward and I went down on my ass. It wasn't very pleasent, yes people saw me, it was at a mall.

      Stop Searching. Start Traveling.


      • #4
        I did that last weekend...pulled, pushed, repeat X 5...then some little kid comes along and opens the door...DOH!

        When the camera is zoomed out, he almost looks like Johnny Carson..


        • #5
          heh, that happened to me in the subway once, I tried to go through the one-way door the wrong way


          • #6
            I had something similar happen at the airport when I was new at UND. My roomie and I were up wandering around the airport on our own. We saw all there is to see so we were gonna head out to his car. We were going to go out a side door because it was closer to where we parked. We walked through one door, went down the stairs to find that this exit was a fire exit only. If we went out it would set off the fire alarm. No biggie, we'll head up the stairs and go back the way we came....damn, the door locked behind us. So there we are stuck in a stairwell. Of course it was a sunday, so nobody was around. We stood there pounding on the door for about 20 mins before somebody finally heard us and came to let us out.


            • #7
              Originally posted by screaming_emu
              I had something similar happen at the airport when I was new at UND. My roomie and I were up wandering around the airport on our own. We saw all there is to see so we were gonna head out to his car. We were going to go out a side door because it was closer to where we parked. We walked through one door, went down the stairs to find that this exit was a fire exit only. If we went out it would set off the fire alarm. No biggie, we'll head up the stairs and go back the way we came....damn, the door locked behind us. So there we are stuck in a stairwell. Of course it was a sunday, so nobody was around. We stood there pounding on the door for about 20 mins before somebody finally heard us and came to let us out.
              Two words; Cell phone
              Could have saved you alot of pounding


              • #8
                This video has been all over the news lately, I find it kind of sad that they can't find anything more interesting or important to talk about then how the president had a little trouble opening the door. WOW, he had a little trouble opening the door! OMG OMG!!!!!!! Please, whats next? I can see the news headlines now... "The President Ties His Shoes!" or "Bush wears socks!" or "Bush took a nap but he forgot to use a blanket!"
                Wu Tang Clan: best rap group of all time

                Save hip-hop, bring talent and intelligence back into it


                • #9

                  Everyone has tried that at least once. Its not like it was the White House or soemthing.

                  He thought it was funny and so do it!
                  Pop quiz: Which US president said, "Saddam Hussein has spent the better part of this decade, and much of his nation's wealth, not on providing for the Iraqi people, but on developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them."
                  George W. Bush is not correct. It was Bill Clinton in his 1998 State of the Union speech. HMMMMMMMMM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Shadower
                    Two words; Cell phone
                    Could have saved you alot of pounding
                    two reception


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by screaming_emu
                      two reception
                      Good ol' ND


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Genessee
                        Good ol' ND
                        yeah, quite often I'm just happy we have elecctricity and running water


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by screaming_emu
                          yeah, quite often I'm just happy we have elecctricity and running water
                          And them flushing toilets!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Genessee
                            And them flushing toilets!
                            no not yet...brb, gotta run to the outhouse


                            • #15
                              I missed the outhouses enough to cut a moon shaped hole into the bathroom door here. The toilet turned my igloo from a plain shelter into a real home.

