Please note the following rules of which apply to the recent suspensions:
Code of Conduct. This is a privately operated forum, frequented by a large number of people from various backgrounds, and thus, its use is subject to the terms of and its operators.
Below, we have included several general guidelines to follow. However, in the end, please use common sense. If you do not feel that your post would be appropriate in a public, family setting, then please refrain from posting it. If you have questions as to whether a post may be inappropriate, please e-mail the forum administrators before posting and we'll take a look at it for you.
1. Personal attacks of any sort will not be tolerated. If you have a problem with a particular user, please privately contact that user to discuss the matter. If that does not work, or you are unable to contact the user, please e-mail the forum administrators and we will take action if it is deemed necessary.
And further, in the disclaimer, it states:
We normally do not like to list the persons who are banned or or suspended so we don't disrupt the peace of the forum. However, since it seems there are some here who wish to create some sort of panic that we are banning/suspending people who aren't wearing pants that match their shirt or don't breathe to our liking, we thought it would be best to give a short explanation of the specifics surrounding the recent suspensions:
All of these members:
Richard, Southwest737, DeltaCappy, B777-400, ceosea757
In some way violated the above rules of this forum. Most of the insults toward Chris (name calling, etc) were removed by him before most people saw it. And of course, we all know what ceosea757 said to me.
Now. I'm gettin' real tired, real fast of have to explain and reexplain how people need to behave here. We try to be lenient for as long as we can...but some of you just took it way beyond the limit and were, again, exhibiting a PATTERN of this sort of behavior.
Chris doesn't have time for it. I don't have time for it. And the members don't have time to read it all the damn time.
Therefore, if you DON'T like Chris and find yourself feeling the urge to insult him at every juncture, then do what some of you did: make your own forum.
But please understand, that what we are asking of you here isn't a new concept. The Golden Rule, people...the Golden Rule. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself: with respect, diplomacy, and decency...and there will be no NEED for suspensions or banishments. If you CANNOT manage this then be prepared to face the consequences.
Very, very simple.
Code of Conduct. This is a privately operated forum, frequented by a large number of people from various backgrounds, and thus, its use is subject to the terms of and its operators.
Below, we have included several general guidelines to follow. However, in the end, please use common sense. If you do not feel that your post would be appropriate in a public, family setting, then please refrain from posting it. If you have questions as to whether a post may be inappropriate, please e-mail the forum administrators before posting and we'll take a look at it for you.
1. Personal attacks of any sort will not be tolerated. If you have a problem with a particular user, please privately contact that user to discuss the matter. If that does not work, or you are unable to contact the user, please e-mail the forum administrators and we will take action if it is deemed necessary.
You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use these discussion forums to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.
We at reserve the right to immediately suspend or permanantly ban any user whom we feel is destructive or in any other way harmful to these discussion forums, or the website as a whole.
We at reserve the right to immediately suspend or permanantly ban any user whom we feel is destructive or in any other way harmful to these discussion forums, or the website as a whole.
We normally do not like to list the persons who are banned or or suspended so we don't disrupt the peace of the forum. However, since it seems there are some here who wish to create some sort of panic that we are banning/suspending people who aren't wearing pants that match their shirt or don't breathe to our liking, we thought it would be best to give a short explanation of the specifics surrounding the recent suspensions:
All of these members:
Richard, Southwest737, DeltaCappy, B777-400, ceosea757
In some way violated the above rules of this forum. Most of the insults toward Chris (name calling, etc) were removed by him before most people saw it. And of course, we all know what ceosea757 said to me.
Now. I'm gettin' real tired, real fast of have to explain and reexplain how people need to behave here. We try to be lenient for as long as we can...but some of you just took it way beyond the limit and were, again, exhibiting a PATTERN of this sort of behavior.
Chris doesn't have time for it. I don't have time for it. And the members don't have time to read it all the damn time.
Therefore, if you DON'T like Chris and find yourself feeling the urge to insult him at every juncture, then do what some of you did: make your own forum.
But please understand, that what we are asking of you here isn't a new concept. The Golden Rule, people...the Golden Rule. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself: with respect, diplomacy, and decency...and there will be no NEED for suspensions or banishments. If you CANNOT manage this then be prepared to face the consequences.
Very, very simple.