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Um, where is the cockpit?
What's about the the fact that this captain was passenger only during this flight???
Iolite DirectionsLast edited by DRS-Spotter; 2011-09-16, 05:24.
Originally posted by DRS-SpotterWhat's about the the fact that this captain was passenger only during this flight???
I'll fly SWA again now that I know you weren't captain on that particular flight. Thanks for the insight DRS.
FYI cut back on greasy foods and you will cut back on spotting."You can run but you'll die tired."
Semper Fidelis
United States Marine Corp !
I would also in closure like to give you, MikeD, ITS and Clovis a little "salute". But this is the internet so you wouldnt be able to see it. So, got find a life of your own. And mabye if you flying in one of my "real" airplanes ten years from now...ill remember to give all the pax except you parachutes, have them all jump out of the plane, and leave you there to see what the chash looks like.
Originally posted by SWA733CaptainIll give you three guesses. Your first two don't count.
Alright, everyone. Quit harpin' on Scott and the virtual captain stuff. You've made your point by now...and it's starting to move past friendly ribbing and into gettin' a bit mean.
And bout you spare us your continual references to a "salute" (yes, I know to what you're referring) and not escalating the situation further than it needs to be.
Originally posted by SWA733CaptainThanks Amy, now can you tell them to leave it. Is it not considered personal bashing some of thier posts about this??
It's always a fine line what is personal bashing and what is joking. I happen to think they were just joking with you earlier and you getting so mad at them like you do kinda eggs them on. But I do think the continual harping on it isn't needed and could be getting a little close to the line of "bashing".
My biggest piece of advice I could give you is to learn to see some of the humor in yourself and don't take yourself too seriously. A lot of the time, people aren't trying to be mean and are, instead, just giving you a little ribbing. I am still ribbed about certain things by my friends daily...and this carries over onto the forum as well. If you show that what they say doesn't mean a hill of beans to you and either ignore them or laugh at it yourself...then they'll back off.