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Your top pick for the best alt rock album '90-'95

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  • KBOSv2
    Originally posted by Cameron
    I don't hate hip-hop. I like the old stuff, Run DMC, Public Enemy, NWA, etc...real talent, not just hit of the week type crap.
    The good old stuff is exactly the type of hip-hop I posted, and you wont find anybody that hates "hit of the week type crap" more then me, check out my sig... Anyway I only listen to underground and old school hip-hop because I hate this unintelligent trendy bullsh*t mainstream hip-pop every one else likes. Hell Dr.Dre was a member of NWA and public enemy helped ice cube produce the album I mentioned.

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  • TAP-A343
    Achtung Baby - U2


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  • Messerschmitt Man
    Originally posted by indian airlines
    Shoot me for this, but I don't think Smells like teen spirit is their best song...I feel the stuff from the MTV Unplugged album is far better.
    Your quite right, S.L.T.S isn't their best work, it is the song their most well known for. Personally my favourites are "School", "In bloom", "Lithium", "You Know Your Right" and their version of "The Man Who Sold The World" from M.T.V. Unplugged.

    Addictive lyrical hooks, basic but effective power chords and Cobain's powerful emotive voice has made Nirvana my #1 for years.

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  • Genessee
    Originally posted by indian airlines
    I don't think Smells like teen spirit is their best song.
    Me neither. From that album I liked 'In Bloom' or 'On a Plain' the best.

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  • indian airlines
    Originally posted by Messerschmitt Man
    The fast and uncontrollable exposure and fame post Smells like Teen Spirit release which made them play at huge stadiums with crowds to the horizon ultimately played a huge part in Cobain's suicide. He just coulden't cope with being a nobody to a house hold name in a matter of a few months.

    Nirvana will never be replaced, their antics are unmatched. One instance was when they appeared on Top of the Pops, Cobain sang in a deliberately low, mournful tone, a protest against the show's requirement that bands must not play their instruments live.
    Shoot me for this, but I don't think Smells like teen spirit is their best song...I feel the stuff from the MTV Unplugged album is far better.

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  • Messerschmitt Man
    Originally posted by Genessee
    Too bad they started playing stadiums/large arenas though. They just didn't have the feel they had in clubs.
    The fast and uncontrollable exposure and fame post Smells like Teen Spirit release which made them play at huge stadiums with crowds to the horizon ultimately played a huge part in Cobain's suicide. He just coulden't cope with being a nobody to a house hold name in a matter of a few months.

    Nirvana will never be replaced, their antics are unmatched. One instance was when they appeared on Top of the Pops, Cobain sang in a deliberately low, mournful tone, a protest against the show's requirement that bands must not play their instruments live.

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  • screaming_emu
    Originally posted by KBOSv2
    Wu Tang Clan - Enter the 36 Chambers
    GZA - Liquid Swords
    Reakwon - Only Built 4 Cuban Linx aka The Purple Tape
    Method Man - Tical
    Dr.Dre - The Chronic
    Ice Cube - Lethal Injection
    Redman - Whut? Thee Album

    (not rock but what ever)
    how'd you know what i was litening to? (Dr. Dre). I used to "hate" hip hop too, then I listened to some.

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  • Genessee
    Originally posted by Cameron
    I don't hate hip-hop. I like the old stuff, Run DMC, Public Enemy, NWA, etc...real talent, not just hit of the week type crap.
    NWA had some great bass lines that you could really get into. "Express Yourself" comes to mind...Ice Cube had some good stuff as well. I'd never have listened to such stuff if I didn't see Ice Cube on the first Lollapalooza tour. Ice-T (w/Bodycount) was cool as well. That was my introduction to the music.

    Originally posted by Messerschmitt Man
    All of the Nirvana albums released during that period. I'm disappointed they haven't been mentioned yet. They owned the rock/grunge catagory during that exact period of time.
    Nirvana were quite good. Too bad they started playing stadiums/large arenas though. They just didn't have the feel they had in clubs. When I saw them at the Opera House just before Nevermind came out, they we're one of the better bands I'd seen that year. Saw them later at Maple Leaf Gardens and it wasn't really the best show. It seemed like something was lost between the band and the crowd.

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  • Cam
    Originally posted by KBOSv2
    Why is that? Wait let me guess... Do you hate hip-hop? I'm sure you've never listened to any of those albums anyway...
    I don't hate hip-hop. I like the old stuff, Run DMC, Public Enemy, NWA, etc...real talent, not just hit of the week type crap.

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  • Messerschmitt Man
    All of the Nirvana albums released during that period. I'm disappointed they haven't been mentioned yet. They owned the rock/grunge catagory during that exact period of time.

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  • KBOSv2
    Originally posted by Cameron
    I hope you didn't pay for any of that....
    Why is that? Wait let me guess... Do you hate hip-hop? I'm sure you've never listened to any of those albums anyway...

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  • Cam
    Originally posted by KBOSv2
    Wu Tang Clan - Enter the 36 Chambers
    GZA - Liquid Swords
    Reakwon - Only Built 4 Cuban Linx aka The Purple Tape
    Method Man - Tical
    Dr.Dre - The Chronic
    Ice Cube - Lethal Injection
    Redman - Whut? Thee Album

    (not rock but what ever)
    I hope you didn't pay for any of that....

    One album that stood out for me was Oasis - What's the story morning glory

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  • KBOSv2
    Wu Tang Clan - Enter the 36 Chambers
    GZA - Liquid Swords
    Reakwon - Only Built 4 Cuban Linx aka The Purple Tape
    Method Man - Tical
    Dr.Dre - The Chronic
    Ice Cube - Lethal Injection
    Redman - Whut? Thee Album

    (not rock but what ever)

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  • Genessee
    I had such a nice reply, and then accidently deleted it. DOH!

    Super short edit:
    Lush - "Split"
    Curve - "Doppleganger"
    The Jesus and Mary Chain - "Honeys Dead"
    Smashing Pumpkins - "Melancholy and the Infinite Sadness"
    Sonic Youth - "Dirty"
    Faith No More - "The Real Thing"

    1990s also had the most annoying music -- Britpop! I Menswe@r was the worst band I've ever heard in my life!

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  • Your top pick for the best alt rock album '90-'95

    Hi all. Depending on what generation you grew up in, there will always be great bands of our time. But one era in particular, which broke free from the party-scene, 80's hair bands (which I have to admit, some still rock) and transitioned to more serious, down-to-earth surrealistic mode of rock music has gone by the wayside, in my opinion... as most do in time. Most of these bands have set the stage for the young bands of today branding alt-punk whatever-you-want-to-call it... noise.

    Notable bands like Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Smashing Pumpkins, Green Day, Weezer, Stone Temple Pilots, Radiohead, DMB to name a few have emerged and hit it big during this period (some actually before).

    Out of curiousity, what was/is your favorite album(s) from '90-'95 of all time?

    As for me...
    Weezer - Blue Album
    Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream
    Radiohead - The Bends
    Soundgarden - Badmotorfinger
    .... just to name a few.