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Green Power

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  • avro_arrow_25206
    By the way, the first thing that came to mind when I saw the title was Green Party... I guess election time is slowly getting to me, Yikes!

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  • Genessee
    Originally posted by avro_arrow_25206
    If he was smart enough to hook his home's power to the green light, why didn't he attach it to a point on the circuit before the switch, so he gets the power all the time?
    You'd think so..Atleast he was that innovative. I'll have to remember that one, never know when I'll come in handy

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  • avro_arrow_25206
    If he was smart enough to hook his home's power to the green light, why didn't he attach it to a point on the circuit before the switch, so he gets the power all the time?

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  • Chris@YYZ
    Originally posted by RobinB
    is the headline in local newspaper that grabbed immediate attention. herewith is the article which left me with another "only in South Africa could this happen...." It also amused me tremendously - a good laugh.

    "Spending fever has reached all walks of South African life. here's a fellow who lives in a squatter camp beyond Somerset West in Western Cape who now wants a television set - a new one. mind, not that second hand thing in the pawn shop window - so he buys one from the High Street furniture retailer.

    BUT he's back the next day, saying the thing keeps switching off just at the crutial moment. The shop checks it out and can find nothing wrong, but soon enough he's back with the same complaint.

    This time the shop sends out a technician to pop round to see what the problem is. When the technician gets there, he discovers our guy's shack draws its electricity from a nearby traffic light, and that the TV only works when the light is green."

    As we say here "EEEEEEISH" !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • Messerschmitt Man

    Did that actually happen?

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  • wannabepilot777
    HMMMMMM< maybe he should use his money to get out of a poorcamp first?

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  • Cam
    Hahahahah! Too good!

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  • RobinB
    started a topic Green Power

    Green Power

    is the headline in local newspaper that grabbed immediate attention. herewith is the article which left me with another "only in South Africa could this happen...." It also amused me tremendously - a good laugh.

    "Spending fever has reached all walks of South African life. here's a fellow who lives in a squatter camp beyond Somerset West in Western Cape who now wants a television set - a new one. mind, not that second hand thing in the pawn shop window - so he buys one from the High Street furniture retailer.

    BUT he's back the next day, saying the thing keeps switching off just at the crutial moment. The shop checks it out and can find nothing wrong, but soon enough he's back with the same complaint.

    This time the shop sends out a technician to pop round to see what the problem is. When the technician gets there, he discovers our guy's shack draws its electricity from a nearby traffic light, and that the TV only works when the light is green."

    As we say here "EEEEEEISH" !!!!!!!!!!!!!