Originally posted by Greg
thank god that constitutional rights mean something in europe and cant be stripped by some school or whatever instituiton that thinks it knows better then the constitution of the country they are in.
something written somewhere is considered speech. under freedom of speech it cant be unconstituitonal, even if it was racist or sexist or anything else. and just the words of barbie being lesbian are not "pornographic" and therefore nothing legally speaks against running around with it. unless its pornographic content, which does at least have a very limited legally defined meaning in europe being the visible sexual interaction between genitals, nothing speaks against running around with it in public.
of course some ppl might not see it as ideal seeing peers of their kids run around with tshirts that say "KEN IS A FAG" or something, but that doesnt allow them to make their own laws that are supposed to overwrite constituional rights that are even valid for murderes and felons(at least in europe) except very severe cases of mass murder and sexual crimes.
all and all i have to conclude that its just another result of stupid religious thinking that is sadly still a big concern in public matters in the us of a.