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What happens when u get to build a computer in school :]

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  • Crism
    Our school bought a bunch of Dells last year...then they figured out how much they SUCKED so this year we have these generic PC's and they have kids take apart the Dells....its our computer department blows. They block MySpace through the ISP but they don't block Facebook...

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  • northerner2121
    We did that in our Information/Technology foundations class... but new school = brand new equip

    We had these tacky, cheap cases with a bright red LED fan on one of the sides... when time came to take it apart I SWEAR that power connector was on there tight... As I was trying to disconnect it I was pulling pretty hard when my hand slipped off and I punched the frame, bending it pretty nicely. What a piece of crap!

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  • pkonowrocki
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by Shadower
    How the hell did they manage to do that?!
    I have no Idea but u know...with those computers anything can happen

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  • Shadower
    Originally posted by pkonowrocki
    (...) It was great till the part when the RAM got fire in one of the computers . Smelled really bad but I didn't give up. Then somebody burned graphics card and a sound card.(...)
    How the hell did they manage to do that?!

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  • pkonowrocki
    Guest started a topic What happens when u get to build a computer in school :]

    What happens when u get to build a computer in school :]

    This is hilarius. I entered my computer class today and saw a big mess - comuter parts everywhere.... I asked my teacher what is going on and he said that it is going to be our work for today. We got to build cmputers out of those parts, clear BIOS and install new OS. It was great till the part when the RAM got fire in one of the computers . Smelled really bad but I didn't give up. Then somebody burned graphics card and a sound card. Don't worry - they were really crappy After few attempts my computer was properly built and I had to clear the BIOS, as it is password protected. After clearing it I started the system. As it booted up I got the messege "not enough memory" and the PC turned off WTF??? The disk was empty. So I decided to format the PC using DOS commands. But here another problem - DOS was blocked by password...after few attmepts me and my friend broke it. Then I loaded up Win98 which seemed to work. The computer was pretty slow - with 64MB RAM... After installing win was finished we installed Dark Forces - the old game and had fun. Computers in our school suck balls and I still don't know how come they still work...