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VFR around London, Ontario
Excellent pictures!!! Some of them bring back memories of when I lived in London, especially the downtown picture and the pictures of Westmount Shopping Centre.
Great pics! Whenever I shoot inside of a cessna, the pictures always come out tinted blue, no idea why.
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Great pictures Looks like a fun flight. I wish we had one of those drive in theaters here
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VFR around London, Ontario
Well, got the call from my friend, he was going for a flight and asked if I wanted to come along!
Todays weapon of Choice: 1982 built 172 C-GINW!
Getting ready to go
Taxiing Apron 2 past the Medivac hanger where "Bandaid" one has just returned from a call
And now.... past departure!
Sunwing 757 has just arrived from Veradero Cuba!
Pond Mills area while heading towards St Thomas, CYQS
Final for 03 in YQS!
Turning for base....
Back towards London, Mustang Drive In Movie Theatre empty until this evening!
Pond Mills again...
Neighbourhood I grew up in, CFPL (A Channel) TV Tower visable, 1600 feet tall.
My highschool, Saunders Secondary!
Labatt's Park, "believed to be the oldest continually operating baseball grounds in the world", created early 1800s and has been in use continually since 1876.
My neighbourhood again with the school
Final to 09 with Fanshawe Lake and Dam in view!
Skyservice 757 returning to Toronto, quick flight of 30 minutes.
I hope you enjoy!
Andrew C.Tags: None
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