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I've had enough

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  • I've had enough

    Of this lose weight bullshit.

    Not sure how bad it is in the US/Europe/The rest of the world but here in NZ we get all these wonderful ads about people losing weight. We have a TV show "The Biggest Loser" in which fat people compete to lose weight, the person who wins the most gets money, prizes etc.

    Heres my novel solution to this problem,

    Don't gain the weight in the first place.

    Why are we rewarding people for gaining what they put on? And broadcasting it on TV? I could be watching South Park, The Simpsons, Family Guy. Something that isnt a waste of my time. My dad lost what i would guess to be about 15kg (33lbs) over the summer. Did he get a big fancy reward? Is his photo all over the newspaper and TV? NO, why not, cause he didnt pay some assholes to sit down and tell him to lose it. He just decided I need to lose some weight, then did so.

    Your not special if you can manage to keep yourself in shape, its not hard to do. Only billions of people have managed to do it so dont expect a f*****g parade if you can too.

    [End of rant]
    Sam Rudge
    A 5D3, some Canon lenses, the Sigma L and a flash

  • #2
    Originally posted by Simpleboy
    Of this lose weight bullshit.

    Not sure how bad it is in the US/Europe/The rest of the world but here in NZ we get all these wonderful ads about people losing weight. We have a TV show "The Biggest Loser" in which fat people compete to lose weight, the person who wins the most gets money, prizes etc.

    Heres my novel solution to this problem,

    Don't gain the weight in the first place.

    Why are we rewarding people for gaining what they put on? And broadcasting it on TV? I could be watching South Park, The Simpsons, Family Guy. Something that isnt a waste of my time. My dad lost what i would guess to be about 15kg (33lbs) over the summer. Did he get a big fancy reward? Is his photo all over the newspaper and TV? NO, why not, cause he didnt pay some assholes to sit down and tell him to lose it. He just decided I need to lose some weight, then did so.

    Your not special if you can manage to keep yourself in shape, its not hard to do. Only billions of people have managed to do it so dont expect a f*****g parade if you can too.

    [End of rant]


    • #3
      but tell us how you really feel


      • #4
        Dont forget, Fat people are hard to kidnap.
        You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven


        • #5
          They can't help being fat, it's a "thyroid problem"

          Follow me on Twitter!


          • #6

            I just don't get why everyone's so fat.


            • #7
              Originally posted by JordanD

              I just don't get why everyone's so fat.
              Dude, that picture is making me hungry
              You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven


              • #8
                Originally posted by Alaska Air Rules
                Dude, that picture is making me hungry
                ...and more importantly, fat.
                "The Director also sets the record straight on what would happen if oxygen masks were to drop from the ceiling: The passengers freak out with abandon, instead of continuing to chat amiably, as though lunch were being served, like they do on those in-flight safety videos."

                -- The LA Times, in a review of 'Flightplan'


                • #9
                  I doubt that picture itself has many calories.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by indian airlines
                    ...and more importantly, fat.
                    Minor detail

                    Originally posted by JordanD
                    I doubt that picture itself has many calories.
                    Cool!*prints it out and starts eating the paper*
                    You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven


                    • #11
                      I prefer this mode of gaining weight :

                      Mmm, Cici's All-you-can-eat pizza buffet *drools*


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DAL767-400ER
                        I prefer this mode of gaining weight :

                        Mmm, Cici's All-you-can-eat pizza buffet *drools*
                        Or you can try this one ..


                        • #13
                          alright you guys prolly won't believe this, but i eat SOOO MUCH you (like fast food stuff and restaurants) that its crazy, apart from the crazy spending habits i do gain wait at all, i was at 170 last year and i'm still around that weight now, and i've had my blood work done and everything and everything looks out to be fine..... (mashallah)
                          ***My Blog***


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by PIAA310
                            alright you guys prolly won't believe this, but i eat SOOO MUCH you (like fast food stuff and restaurants) that its crazy, apart from the crazy spending habits i do gain wait at all, i was at 170 last year and i'm still around that weight now, and i've had my blood work done and everything and everything looks out to be fine..... (mashallah)
                            What did you just say? It's ok if you're drunk


                            • #15
                              I am blessed with the metabolism of the gods in that I can eat as much as I want, spend a few hours on Jetphotos, and maintain a slim 150-160lb figure.

                              Gotta love college

