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Hate Crime? Pish Posh, In Canada these guys would be charged with Attemtped First Degree Murder and Agrivated Sexual Assult. They would goto juvenile hall, then to jail once 18, and then the case would re-open at 19 were the sentence would be furtherd.
Assholes. Thell get theres.-Kevin
Originally posted by screaming_emuyup, hopefully it involves going to jail and having something very similar to what they did happen by a big guy named bubba-Kevin
Originally posted by kcmhWhat the hell is wrong with people today?
Seriously though, if you were beating the crap out of somebody (even if it was for a good reason) and somebody said "hey, lets take this pipe and shove it up his ass!" would you not stop, look at him and go "wtf?"
Originally posted by screaming_emuI think somebody peed in the gene pool.
Seriously though, if you were beating the crap out of somebody (even if it was for a good reason) and somebody said "hey, lets take this pipe and shove it up his ass!" would you not stop, look at him and go "wtf?"
I'd help the guy up I was just thumping and in turn kick the hell out of who just said that.
Originally posted by Chris@YYZits things like this that make me loose faith in the human race...
Originally posted by E-Diddy!I'd kick a 16 year old shitless if he tried to go after a 12 year old too... I wouldn't sodomize him though that's kinda nasty.
Seriously could those two guys be anymore inbread/trailor trash/redneck if they tried?
I say leave them in a hispanic jail for a few years then, if they are still alive take 'em to the chair and watch them fry.
Society doesnt need screwed up retards like those two.