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  • #16
    There's just too many sick people on the planet, and most of the time they even get away with it . Personally, I'd say make castrations for such a$$holes mandatory, so that they at least can't breed and screw up the gene pool even more.


    • #17
      I recon they're the definition of "white trash"... jebus...

      Originally posted by PT737SWA
      You think that's sick...?

      Some f*cker in Dallas stabbed a dog, doused it with gasoline and set it on fire. The dog died a few days ago. The whole city is outraged and the guy will probably only get probation. The dog lost most of the fur that's not in this picture.
      This enrages me, if possible, even more... what the hell are such people thinking (if they're thinking at all)?! Like in Denmark, the highest possible punishment for animal abuse is 2000 DKR (300 USD)... simply disgusting! If I come across this guy, he'll be the one dipped in gasoline and set on fire!
      Last edited by janni-chan; 2006-04-29, 20:50.


      • #18
        Originally posted by janni-chan
        If I come across this guy, he'll be the one dipped in gasoline and set on fire!
        note to self....never ever piss off Janni


        • #19
          Originally posted by screaming_emu
          note to self....never ever piss off Janni
          Nor ever say something bad about her pets .


          • #20
            anyone mind lending me a .357 Magnum and giving me the locations of these guys in the trailer park? I'll do the rest... these two need to be removed from the gene pool before they reproduce....


            • #21
              White trash at its finest. Ok I can understand them mabey hitting him for kissing a 12 year old, but savagley beating him, sodomizing him with a plastic and shouting racial slurs? Thats crossing the line 10 times over. I hope these assholes get what they have comming.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Crunk415balla
                White trash at its finest. Ok I can understand them mabey hitting him for kissing a 12 year old, but savagley beating him, sodomizing him with a plastic and shouting racial slurs? Thats crossing the line 10 times over. I hope these assholes get what they have comming.
                I hope they get whats coming to them 10 times over, but they'll probably get let off on some really minor sentance


                • #23
                  all i have to say is actually White Trash at its finest, luckly i don't have to deal with that shit around this area since i don't think there are any trailor parks here ?@?
                  ***My Blog***


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by BA747-436
                    Seriously could those two guys be anymore inbread/trailor trash/redneck if they tried?
                    yes...put a couple mullets on 'em and maybe some nascar jackets and they'd be all set


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by screaming_emu
                      yes...put a couple mullets on 'em and maybe some nascar jackets and they'd be all set
                      and a Mack truck hat, and youve got the whole 9 yards coverd, even some jeans that are greasy and have cuts at the knees, a t-shirt that says "Dont mess with Texas".

