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Wheather-related mood swings?

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  • Top_Gun
    not just rain, but seasonal mood swings. During the winter in New England, the days are so short and the lack of light really brings me down, plus drives my 2 boys nuts because they can't get outside and burn off the energy...

    Been raining the last 2 days here, but I'm hoping it will give help the grass and trees turn green as we've been in a drought.

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  • ptbodale
    I have a wife and two daughters. Weather can give them mood swings too?


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  • ASpilot2be
    Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesnt. Snow and Sun make me happy, and sometimes the rain does too. It all depends.

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  • DAL767-400ER
    Same here: Up to 23°C, endless sunshine, and a customer just placed an order worth some €800, I couldn't be more happy .

    Oh yeah, and the radio is playing "Dani California" by the RHCPs .

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  • MaxPower
    Im happy today - its NOT raining here in copenhagenm, in the matter of fact, its hot..

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  • pdeboer
    Originally posted by DAL767-400ER
    ..Just today, the day started out rainy and I was in a piss-poor mood, and now that the sun is shining, I am almost jumping for you.
    So, any of you feel the same, ...
    Oh yes, changes within some hours. Grey days without much light: sad. Sun: happy. Fortunately, the feeling is not that intense that I need pills to cope with it

    cheers, Pamela

    btw: the sun is shining here

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  • Squeaky
    I think that the weather can change your mood to a limited degree. When it is dull and depressing it does put you in a poor mood...sunny you feel happy etc.

    However, at the beginning of last term at uni in january my tutor said "you will get depressed"...the complete opposite happened and i had a brilliant term. Also sunny weather can put me in a really foul mood when im revising for exams (it's what im meant to be doing now but who cares!)


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  • MaxPower
    Probably the first group.

    Yesterday in the morning, it was cloudy and they said on the radios that it was to rain all day, my shift is like 0600-1400. And I just wanted to be home and be with my fam.But at around 1200 , the sun appeared, and I was like... uh, I want to go to Fælledparken and join the others. We have the May 1st .. Røde fanerne !.. But there was two hours more till I get off from the job. LoL....

    But yeah,, The weather does kinda affect my mood ..

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  • DAL767-400ER
    started a topic Wheather-related mood swings?

    Wheather-related mood swings?

    Simple question: Does your general mood change depending on what the wheather is like, and if yes, how abrupt does it change? Personally, in the last weeks I have realised that my mood tends to change alot depending on the wheather. Just today, the day started out rainy and I was in a piss-poor mood, and now that the sun is shining, I am almost jumping for you.
    So, any of you feel the same, or are you more part of the "I don't give a f*ck about wheather, I'm always depressed"-group ?