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  • Simpleboy
    man, reading these last few posts, we are sad.

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  • ACman
    Originally posted by avro_arrow_25206
    Kevin, you can't do that! if it's 4.2% in each can, then it is 4.2% in 70000 cans. The total volume of liquid increases but the proportion of alcohol content remains constant!
    I think I just did that lol. yeah, but all that alcohol at once, over time equals up to what I calculated. So just re-read it and It does make sense though, simply put thats how much alcohol in percentage this person consumed.

    375ml per can multiplied by 70,000 equals 26,250,000ml of beer.

    But remember this saying, I have a shirt that says it too, (its tequila but who cares, its still the same rule, more you drink, the more fun you are)

    one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, FLOOR

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  • avro_arrow_25206
    Originally posted by ACman
    Wow, ok so heres some math.

    4.2*70,000=294000% alcohol over 8 years. So basically its like drinking one can of beer with 294000% alc.
    Kevin, you can't do that! if it's 4.2% in each can, then it is 4.2% in 70000 cans. The total volume of liquid increases but the proportion of alcohol content remains constant!

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  • ACman
    Wow, ok so heres some math.

    cpd=can(s) per-day
    cpy=can(s) per-year
    apd= alcohol consumption in % per-day
    apy= alcohol consumption in % per-year

    One can of Coors light has 4.2% alcho.

    4.2*70,000=294000% alcohol over 8 years. So basically its like drinking one can of beer with 294000% alc.

    365d*8y=2920d therefore 70000c/2920d=23.9c therefore thats 24/cpd which translates into 4.2*24c=100.8%, this person consumed 100%/apd, which is like drinking pure-alcohol.

    1 Can of 5% takes around one hour to sober, since one day is 24 hours, this guy was accually wasted 25 hours if he drank for one entire day at the 0 hour mark. Considering the average person is up for 14 hours, he drank 2 cans per-hour

    24c*365d=8760/cpy, so let 4.2*8760=36792%/apy...

    He probibly has SEVERE brain damage. This dude is more than likely a alcoholic.

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  • Simpleboy
    I would use
    Tn = a + (n-1)d

    Where Tn = the number of bottles,
    a = 70,000
    n = verse of song (ie 5th verse = 5 etc)
    d = -1 (amount of bottles we take down per verse)

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  • indian airlines
    Originally posted by avro_arrow_25206
    Well if you let n go to infinity, then (a sub infinity) would go to negative infinity
    Yeah, that sort of makes sense. More importantly though, there's something wrong with my sequence which I just realized, but have no idea how to fix. Any help appreciated.

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  • mapguy
    What's the big deal? I don't see any beer there, just Coors Light. Might as well be bottles of Evian.

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  • avro_arrow_25206
    Originally posted by indian airlines
    Here Sam, let me help you out:

    a1 = 70000, (a sub 1+n) = a1 - 1
    n = 0 to 70000
    (a sub 1+n) bottles of beer in the house
    (a sub 1+n) bottles of beer
    Take one down, pass it around
    (a sub 2+n) bottles of beer in the house.

    Extra points for those who can tell me if the series defined by the sequence above converges or diverges.
    Well if you let n go to infinity, then (a sub infinity) would go to negative infinity

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  • ACman
    Pfffft typical Canadian house after Hockey Night in Canada.

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  • indian airlines
    Originally posted by Simpleboy

    69,997 bottles of beer in the house,
    69,997 bottles of beer,
    Take one down, pass it around,
    69,996 bottles of beer in the house.

    69,996 bottles of beer in the house,
    69,996 bottles of beer,
    Take one down, pass it around,
    69,995 bottles of beer in the house.

    69,995 bottles of beer in the house,
    69,995 bottles of beer,
    Take one down, pass it around,
    69,994 bottles of beer in the house.

    Here Sam, let me help you out:

    a1 = 70000, (a sub 1+n) = a1 - 1
    n = 0 to 70000
    (a sub 1+n) bottles of beer in the house
    (a sub 1+n) bottles of beer
    Take one down, pass it around
    (a sub 2+n) bottles of beer in the house.

    Extra points for those who can tell me if the series defined by the sequence above converges or diverges.

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  • Simpleboy
    man, 5c a can, thats like $3,500? I'd feel ripped off.

    69,997 bottles of beer in the house,
    69,997 bottles of beer,
    Take one down, pass it around,
    69,996 bottles of beer in the house.

    69,996 bottles of beer in the house,
    69,996 bottles of beer,
    Take one down, pass it around,
    69,995 bottles of beer in the house.

    69,995 bottles of beer in the house,
    69,995 bottles of beer,
    Take one down, pass it around,
    69,994 bottles of beer in the house.

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  • ptbodale
    Originally posted by Shadower
    The article says they got $800 for the cans, so I guess they sold it as scrap aluminum

    OOPs, pardon me. I had quickly scanned the story.

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  • Shadower
    Originally posted by ptbodale
    Do they have a refund policy there? Does he get 5c or 10c a can?
    The article says they got $800 for the cans, so I guess they sold it as scrap aluminum

    Originally posted by Source article
    The cans were recycled for 800 dollars, an estimated 70,000 cans: 24 beers a day for 8 years.

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  • ptbodale
    Do they have a refund policy there? Does he get 5c or 10c a can?

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  • Chris@YYZ
    Originally posted by Simpleboy
    70,000 bottles of beer in the house,
    70,000 bottles of beer,
    Take one down, pass it around,
    69,999 bottles of beer in the house.

    69,999 bottles of beer in the house,
    69,999 bottles of beer,
    Take one down, pass it around,
    69,998 bottles of in the house.

    69,998 bottles of beer in the house,
    69,998 bottles of beer,
    Take one down, pass it around,
    69,997 bottles of beer in the house.

    you creul, cruel person... dont make me suffer through all that! please!

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