I'm not sure I know what to think about this....

I would have voted for Nagin back in in 2002 if I could have (I don't live in New Orleans proper, so I was not eligible) and I supported him and his policies all the way up until the storm.
Louisiana is known for voting and revoting for the same whackjob politicos despite screwup-after-screwup. Add nepotism to the mix, and you get generations of the same concept perpetuating itself over and over again.
Nagin came in as someone who functioned successfully in the private world, not as a career politician. That was a breath of fresh air that many thought the city needed... and indeed, we've had fewer political/social scandals under his administration than any other in the city's history.
Also, Mitch Landrieu derives from one of the most prominent of Louisiana's political dynasties-- his father was the last non-Black mayor of New Orleans, and his sister is the current US senator Mary Landrieu (D).
History aside, though... this city needs a strong leader.
Nagin had some pretty decent policies in the past-- but the bottom line is that he cracked at the time his leadership was needed most.
I'd say NOLA needed a new face, a new vision; to usher it into becoming a true World City, as it long since should have become. Nagin is gonna have some real stepping up to do to get things stabilized and growing (net) around here.

I would have voted for Nagin back in in 2002 if I could have (I don't live in New Orleans proper, so I was not eligible) and I supported him and his policies all the way up until the storm.
Louisiana is known for voting and revoting for the same whackjob politicos despite screwup-after-screwup. Add nepotism to the mix, and you get generations of the same concept perpetuating itself over and over again.
Nagin came in as someone who functioned successfully in the private world, not as a career politician. That was a breath of fresh air that many thought the city needed... and indeed, we've had fewer political/social scandals under his administration than any other in the city's history.
Also, Mitch Landrieu derives from one of the most prominent of Louisiana's political dynasties-- his father was the last non-Black mayor of New Orleans, and his sister is the current US senator Mary Landrieu (D).
History aside, though... this city needs a strong leader.
Nagin had some pretty decent policies in the past-- but the bottom line is that he cracked at the time his leadership was needed most.
I'd say NOLA needed a new face, a new vision; to usher it into becoming a true World City, as it long since should have become. Nagin is gonna have some real stepping up to do to get things stabilized and growing (net) around here.