Okay, I'm driving on the left lane. The speed limit is 55, and I'm pulling 65 on a divided highway. And then....some idiot in a new pickup truck takes a right turn from a neighborhood and gets straight to the left lane. Okay, not a problem. He'll get up to speed in no time, and hey...no need to lose lunch over petty issues. But this guy's too good to obey years of established traffic laws. He decides do go no more than 40 miles an hour on the left lane on a road with 55 speed limits. Seriously, I'm sure ancient Egyptian pyramid-builders moved a lane to the right when the guy behind then hauled their brick faster.
I flash my highbeams-move the hell over! No dice. So I decide to go to the right and pass him since he's a moron. A Mercedes convertible was pulling ahead, so I let him pass and get in the right lane. Then the stupid Mercedes slows down to 45. Now that I'm completely boxed in, I go back left and drive behind Mr. AboveTheRules for a few miles before my left turn comes up. He had to stop at the light as I did. And what did I see? This idiot is yapping away on his cell phone.
Really, people need to learn to do this in their own homes or on the shoulder. When I'm on the phone while driving I'm always on cruise, usually in the right lane, and doing at least the speed limit. This guy was so stupid he deserves the worst punishment I can mete out on the internet.
I flash my highbeams-move the hell over! No dice. So I decide to go to the right and pass him since he's a moron. A Mercedes convertible was pulling ahead, so I let him pass and get in the right lane. Then the stupid Mercedes slows down to 45. Now that I'm completely boxed in, I go back left and drive behind Mr. AboveTheRules for a few miles before my left turn comes up. He had to stop at the light as I did. And what did I see? This idiot is yapping away on his cell phone.
Really, people need to learn to do this in their own homes or on the shoulder. When I'm on the phone while driving I'm always on cruise, usually in the right lane, and doing at least the speed limit. This guy was so stupid he deserves the worst punishment I can mete out on the internet.