When a horse steps on you, it HURTS 
I recently got hired at a cookie factory- it pays around 40 USD an hour, and you get GREAT company benefits!
I worked for a day, but it seems like getting hired on a permanent basis is already out of the question... the first job in 3 years, and I blew it... 
Well... today's been awesome up until this point- I went to the first riding lesson with my horse, and we did great- I was surprised at how much you can actually learn in the 30 mins a lesson takes! I even managed to calm my horse down when she panicked once (over a loose, very dangerous plastic bag! OMG!!
)- I reckon I would've panicked too if it had happened a week ago!
Well, anyway... as I was off work today due to a doctor's appointment, I decided to help out around the stables. I enjoyed everything from sweeping to feeding the horses and taking them to/from the paddocks... I LOVED it!
However, as I had to take a Hannoveranian horse from the paddock into the stables again, I made a mistake- I was standing in front of it, putting a rope on his headcollar when he decided to move forwards- basically kicking my ankle and standing on my foot for a moment...
I went to the doc- the foot and ankle is sprained, I probably broke a small bone in the foot too, and I was put on crutches- I have to stay still for a week, probably stay on crutches for two weeks...
I thought "fine, i can work- I just have to sit and pack cookies!", but nope... due to hygiene reasons, I can't bring my crutches to work
I'm currently on a 9 days trial, and now that I have to stay home for a week, perhaps two, I'll miss 99%, if not all of it...
My boss told me to call back when I was ready to come to work again. She's still somewhat positive, but I'm really not sure...
I really need this job
After 4 years on benefits, I can't stand sitting at home anymore, and with the horse and everything else, I can't afford it either!
So JP'ers- please cross your fingers for me... I need it. Badly.

I recently got hired at a cookie factory- it pays around 40 USD an hour, and you get GREAT company benefits!

Well... today's been awesome up until this point- I went to the first riding lesson with my horse, and we did great- I was surprised at how much you can actually learn in the 30 mins a lesson takes! I even managed to calm my horse down when she panicked once (over a loose, very dangerous plastic bag! OMG!!

Well, anyway... as I was off work today due to a doctor's appointment, I decided to help out around the stables. I enjoyed everything from sweeping to feeding the horses and taking them to/from the paddocks... I LOVED it!
However, as I had to take a Hannoveranian horse from the paddock into the stables again, I made a mistake- I was standing in front of it, putting a rope on his headcollar when he decided to move forwards- basically kicking my ankle and standing on my foot for a moment...
I went to the doc- the foot and ankle is sprained, I probably broke a small bone in the foot too, and I was put on crutches- I have to stay still for a week, probably stay on crutches for two weeks...
I thought "fine, i can work- I just have to sit and pack cookies!", but nope... due to hygiene reasons, I can't bring my crutches to work

My boss told me to call back when I was ready to come to work again. She's still somewhat positive, but I'm really not sure...
I really need this job

So JP'ers- please cross your fingers for me... I need it. Badly.