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Today's lesson...

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  • Today's lesson...

    When a horse steps on you, it HURTS

    I recently got hired at a cookie factory- it pays around 40 USD an hour, and you get GREAT company benefits! I worked for a day, but it seems like getting hired on a permanent basis is already out of the question... the first job in 3 years, and I blew it...

    Well... today's been awesome up until this point- I went to the first riding lesson with my horse, and we did great- I was surprised at how much you can actually learn in the 30 mins a lesson takes! I even managed to calm my horse down when she panicked once (over a loose, very dangerous plastic bag! OMG!! )- I reckon I would've panicked too if it had happened a week ago!

    Well, anyway... as I was off work today due to a doctor's appointment, I decided to help out around the stables. I enjoyed everything from sweeping to feeding the horses and taking them to/from the paddocks... I LOVED it!

    However, as I had to take a Hannoveranian horse from the paddock into the stables again, I made a mistake- I was standing in front of it, putting a rope on his headcollar when he decided to move forwards- basically kicking my ankle and standing on my foot for a moment...

    I went to the doc- the foot and ankle is sprained, I probably broke a small bone in the foot too, and I was put on crutches- I have to stay still for a week, probably stay on crutches for two weeks...

    I thought "fine, i can work- I just have to sit and pack cookies!", but nope... due to hygiene reasons, I can't bring my crutches to work I'm currently on a 9 days trial, and now that I have to stay home for a week, perhaps two, I'll miss 99%, if not all of it...

    My boss told me to call back when I was ready to come to work again. She's still somewhat positive, but I'm really not sure...

    I really need this job After 4 years on benefits, I can't stand sitting at home anymore, and with the horse and everything else, I can't afford it either!

    So JP'ers- please cross your fingers for me... I need it. Badly.

  • #2
    Sorry to to hear that Janni . But:
    A job that pays $40 an hour?!? Does the company also take applicants from Germany ?


    • #3
      Sorry to hear that. My sister has been stepped on a few times by her horse, and luckily she has only gotten bruised. Good luck in the recovery.
      You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven


      • #4
        Originally posted by DAL767-400ER
        Sorry to to hear that Janni . But:
        A job that pays $40 an hour?!? Does the company also take applicants from Germany ?
        I've been offered to come train with the "special needs" (disabled team) instead- I kid not! I guess I'll be ok- as long as I can still sit on a horse, I'll keep my chin up

        And seeing as you're actually from Germany, a part of the EU, I guess they do

        You also get to eat as many cookies as you want on the job, and your family gets 75% discount on all company products

        Originally posted by Alaska Air Rules
        Sorry to hear that. My sister has been stepped on a few times by her horse, and luckily she has only gotten bruised. Good luck in the recovery.
        Thanks- bless your sister- you suddenly realise how much 250+ pounds actually is- or at least what it feels like when they're all planted on your foot


        • #5
          Originally posted by janni-chan
          I've been offered to come train with the "special needs" (disabled team) instead- I kid not! I guess I'll be ok- as long as I can still sit on a horse, I'll keep my chin up

          And seeing as you're actually from Germany, a part of the EU, I guess they do

          You also get to eat as many cookies as you want on the job, and your family gets 75% discount on all company products
          *books ticket to CPH* what was the name of that company again ?


          • #6
            Sorry to hear that Janni.

            When I was 7 or 8 yo. I was standing behind a little horse when visiting a farm with our class, just to be a teaser to that horse, I had a stick and slapped it behind real hard, it got shocked and obviously as a reaction it kicked back and hit me in the face, I was kicked back like 3 metres or somethin. .....

            Btw yes, it did hurt as hell tooo... :rolleyes:
            Inactive from May 1 2009.


            • #7
              Originally posted by MaxPower
              and obviously as a reaction it kicked back and hit me in the face, I was kicked back like 3 metres or somethin. .....
              Kicked into the head by a horse, eh? Well, that explains alot of your posts .


              • #8
                Whats wrong with my posts ... Oh.... ahihihih
                Inactive from May 1 2009.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DAL767-400ER
                  *books ticket to CPH* what was the name of that company again ?
                  If you steal my position, you die!!!

                  KelsenBisca A/S- they make every danish cookie (apart from the cheapish ones) known to man

                  Originally posted by MaxPower
                  Sorry to hear that Janni.

                  When I was 7 or 8 yo. I was standing behind a little horse when visiting a farm with our class, just to be a teaser to that horse, I had a stick and slapped it behind real hard, it got shocked and obviously as a reaction it kicked back and hit me in the face, I was kicked back like 3 metres or somethin. .....

                  Btw yes, it did hurt as hell tooo... :rolleyes:

                  :/ ouch!!

                  NEVER stand behind a horse... NEVER I guess you know that now That's the first thing they teach you when you have to deal with horses too- no matter how much you trust a horse, you shouldn't stand behind it within kicking range

                  My mom had a friend whose face was literally peeled off when a horse kicked her

                  She still rides today though


                  • #10

                    I'll never near a horse ever again !...

                    Inactive from May 1 2009.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MaxPower

                      I'll never near a horse ever again !...

                      Just don't stand behind it My mom's friend was a bit gullible though- she KNEELED behind it Even if the horse is the friendliest being on earth, it CAN still get shocked over something, and then, you're in deep doo-doo

                      But you've already experienced that


                      • #12
                        Never get nearer than the fence, to a horse. Nasty, big, unpredictable, evil creatures!!

                        I can never see the point of riding one. Gives you a sore arse, craps on the road, stands on you and can give a nasty bite.

                        And as for those dressage things - thats gotta be the sport of massochists!! Give a horse a water-jump, it'll dunk you in it!

                        Horses - the French idea is the best - eat 'em!



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by exmanx
                          Never get nearer than the fence, to a horse. Nasty, big, unpredictable, evil creatures!!

                          I can never see the point of riding one. Gives you a sore arse, craps on the road, stands on you and can give a nasty bite.

                          And as for those dressage things - thats gotta be the sport of massochists!! Give a horse a water-jump, it'll dunk you in it!

                          Horses - the French idea is the best - eat 'em!


                          Evil is a human attribute- a horse can't be evil, only frightened or deffensive

                          You'd be surprised how riding has worked wonders for me though- having a syndrome that severely affects my balance and movements, I wasn't even able to walk in a straight line three years ago- I wouldn't straighten up either, so I looked like the hunchback from notre dame After riding for a while, everything improved- and I fully understand why people use it as physiotherapy and such... it really does work wonders for your body posture, AND you learn how to move your hips!

                          Hey, that never hurts


                          • #14
                            Glad it works for you Janni. However, I stand by my statement. You'll NEVER get me on a horse! You may think they are frightened or defensive, I'm sure they have an evil streak!

                            Good luck with the riding and lets see some pics of you on your horse. Oh, and I hope the job thing gets sorted soon.



                            • #15
                              It will take me about 5 years at a regional to make what Janni is making to pack cookies...

