Originally posted by expoITHscohen
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Great just great....need your help..or something
Originally posted by pkonowrockiOk I couldn't stand this...I'm fighting him tomorrow...wish me good luck.....or wish me not to hurt him too badly....
Parden my french, but your an idiot.
That has to be the stupidest thing ever.
Originally posted by ptbodaleYou are going to fight your best friend tomorrow?
Okay before I come by and kick your ass tomorrow before I go to work (oops I work afternoon's, maybe I can come by and pick you up off the pavement!) pick up the phone, call your buddy and say "I'm sorry I was such an asshole today. I'm sorry I don't know why I was so mean and rude. We are friends, buddies, and as friends we don't act like this."
He will probably say he is sorry too.
It takes a man to apologise and you aren't ever a coward for saying "sorry".
Gees being a Dad is tough sometimes.
It takes a man to fight someone and think its over, but it takes a bigger man to say im sorry and prevent something.
Be the bigger man, call him up (even if you are right) and tell him your sorry and made a mistake and that its your fault. DO NOT for the LOVE of god pin it all on him. After he realizes that your pinning it all on yourself, he will say "well its not all you, some I did" but dont rub it for GODS sake.
Lesson learned, for @#$%s sake, keep your mouth shut, and dont try to escilate things. You smell a fight or arguement starting, just get up, and walk away. It is not worth it.
Other Lesson Learned: Things escilate VERY fast, so think ahead.o-Kevin
Alright, I learnt the lesson. Thank you guys fro all you advicesReally tought me some things. I didn't fight him today as i didn't see him in school. I also think I won't fight him but I'll try to talk to him. Thanks for you support and understangin, and yea, u'r right. I shoul;d talk as fightning as not a way of solving problems. Thx again. Feel better...
Originally posted by pkonowrockiAlright, I learnt the lesson. Thank you guys fro all you advicesReally tought me some things. I didn't fight him today as i didn't see him in school. I also think I won't fight him but I'll try to talk to him. Thanks for you support and understangin, and yea, u'r right. I shoul;d talk as fightning as not a way of solving problems. Thx again. Feel better...