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Great just great....need your help..or something

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  • Great just great....need your help..or something

    I just had a huge argument with my best friend...
    I mean it sounds funny but...was a huuuuuuuuge one. We were agruing about stuff such as marks, money parents then asking eahc other to go and **** themselves... nways this might have an impact on our school community as now it will be divided....
    What will you do if you were in my position...I mean it's gonna be like starting a new life....gee never had something like this before....I'm afraid it's got hit my marks as exams are coming...AH SH*T !!!!
    WHAt SHOULD I DO ????? I am completley fu***** confused, grounded and...ah I just wanna escape from this city.....

  • #2
    Just think about the girl in your avatar and everything bad will go away


    • #3
      Ooooooooooo I it's sooo hard for me to think about something right now.....


      • #4
        I say you go out and buy a new car and drive away your problems, or if you already have a car, just go for a drive, usually calms me for fixing the problem, i dunno, i've never been in that position before..hahaha or maybe just track that girl down in your
        ***My Blog***


        • #5
          Dont think about it. Easy comin easy goin too.
          Inactive from May 1 2009.


          • #6
            Ok I couldn't stand this...I'm fighting him tomorrow...wish me good luck.....or wish me not to hurt him too badly....


            • #7
              Originally posted by pkonowrocki
              Ok I couldn't stand this...I'm fighting him tomorrow...wish me good luck.....or wish me not to hurt him too badly....
              All this over marks, money, and Toronto is f**ked up....
              My Flickr Pictures! Click Me!


              • #8
                Originally posted by pkonowrocki
                Ok I couldn't stand this...I'm fighting him tomorrow...wish me good luck.....or wish me not to hurt him too badly....
                If you need any backup I'm just across the border. But fighting really isn't the awnser. One of you is going to end up beating the bejesus out of the other one and you'll just hate eachother even more. Fighting is probably the last thing you want to do, ESPECIALLY with your best friend. If you just ignore each other or confront eachother with words you can sort things out. Be the bigger person and use your brains, not your fists. I see this happen all the time, and trust me, you'll regret doing this.


                • #9
                  Yo, Toronto is da' streetz .
                  Word of advice: If possible, get your "best friend" to share one last beer with you, get totally drunk, and your problems should be gone, simply because you can't f+cking remember them .


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Crunk415balla
                    If you need any backup I'm just across the border.
                    Yeah, You just light up the jetphotos group sign up in the sky, and we'll be there to support you !

                    Inactive from May 1 2009.


                    • #11
                      Hahahaha, nice one, John!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Crunk415balla
                        Hahahaha, nice one, John!
                        Hey, you were the one that gave me the idea...
                        Inactive from May 1 2009.


                        • #13
                          You are going to fight your best friend tomorrow?

                          Okay before I come by and kick your ass tomorrow before I go to work (oops I work afternoon's, maybe I can come by and pick you up off the pavement!) pick up the phone, call your buddy and say "I'm sorry I was such an asshole today. I'm sorry I don't know why I was so mean and rude. We are friends, buddies, and as friends we don't act like this."

                          He will probably say he is sorry too.

                          It takes a man to apologise and you aren't ever a coward for saying "sorry".

                          Gees being a Dad is tough sometimes.


                          • #14
                            Dale, you are the forum father, you know that don't you...I'm the forum Conservative and Political Adviser, and there are many other positions...
                            My Flickr Pictures! Click Me!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Cam
                              and there are many other positions...
                              Like me, that annoying retarded Jew from Ithaca NY.

