Where doing Poerty in English as the last unit. The project im typing up now is the "Poetry Love Log", where we select 10 poems and wirte a summary on it and ect...
Now the question is, what the hell does this Stanza mean?
"I hoped that he would love me,
And he has kissed my mouth,
But I am like a stricken bird
That cannot reach the south."
I asked my friend what he thought, he thought the same thing, that this lady wants to go downstairs and you know what to this guys what not.
Does this mean what I think it does, or am I absolutly courrpted?
Now the question is, what the hell does this Stanza mean?
"I hoped that he would love me,
And he has kissed my mouth,
But I am like a stricken bird
That cannot reach the south."
I asked my friend what he thought, he thought the same thing, that this lady wants to go downstairs and you know what to this guys what not.
Does this mean what I think it does, or am I absolutly courrpted?