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  • #16
    None, not even a watch. Not a jewellry person...actually where is my wedding ring?


    • #17
      Originally posted by ptbodale
      actually where is my wedding ring?
      ahahahaha, wonder what the misses thinks hehehe


      • #18
        Originally posted by DAL767-400ER
        Don't know about online, but I can sell you mine for $1,000, payable to my Swiss bank account .
        Eh, no thanks, I'll just look on ebay and mabey I'll save $999.


        • #19
          LOL I think I SHOULD trade it ti the German now I am for Germany.....even put a German flag on a window at home next to the Polish one


          • #20
            Originally posted by pkonowrocki
            LOL I think I SHOULD trade it ti the German now I am for Germany.....even put a German flag on a window at home next to the Polish one
            What country will you support when Germany get knocked out?


            • #21
              Originally posted by Mungous
              Don't have any, people here pay the $20 for the 'cool' factor rather than charity
              Does it really matter? I mean the 20 bucks still go to charity, so even if the kid buys it just to be cool, he's still helping out- who're we to complain?

              I must admit I don't have any. I'm looking for a pink one that supports the Danish Breastcancer Assosciation, but they stopped selling them after they found out the rubber they used for them could give you cancer- I kid you not...


              • #22
                Isn't the idea to show you support the charity though? Then there's a massive market of fakes which don't go to charity at all


                • #23
                  Originally posted by RingwaySam
                  What country will you support when Germany get knocked out?
                  Then I'll add one more flag - italian


                  • #24
                    I have a yellow livestrong band. I don't usually wear it, however I just donated the dollar to get it because I think it's a good cause as I have family members with cancer. I also have a green one that says "Donate Life" that was thrown out while I was at a city parade. I don't wear that either, I usually just wear my watch.

                    Next Flights:

                    October 14, 2006 - Airtran MDW-MSP
                    October 16, 2006 - Airtran MSP-MDW


                    • #25
                      Only one, and It says "Live for Him". I take it that it is in reference to the Emu, which is why I bought it. I am still trying to figure out why it has a lowercase letter t on the back, though...


                      • #26
                        My friend gave me two, one says "Spoiled", and the other says "Drama Queen".
                        You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven


                        • #27
                          Being an old fart, I never thought of wearing a wrist band. However, after visiting friends in Utah last year, I now have a blue band with "Remember Garrett" on it in memory of our friends son who went missing in the mountains nearly 2 years back. No-one found so much as a trace of the lad. Not even his fishing rod and gear.



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by ACman
                            ahahahaha, wonder what the misses thinks hehehe
                            She doesn't know it's not on my finger.

