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  • Russia

    Is Russia as bad as they say it is? I read something that told me they have a lot of terrorist activitys and its ran basically by the mob, and not only that but the Police are corrupt?

    Is it really danerous there? Are Chechen rebels a threat in Russia?

  • #2
    My brother went to Moscow on a business trip and loved it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by screaming_emu
      My brother went to Moscow on a business trip and loved it.
      Did he ever returned from Russia or was he hooked on the great russian vodkza ?
      Inactive from May 1 2009.


      • #4
        Well I was born in Moscow and I don't really like that I lived in Russia (was USSR when i was born ( 89' )) for 4 years and then moved. From what my mum says Russia is a very friendly and nice country, u just have to get used to it. It sure is fun to drink with russians etc. And Vodka there is cheaper that 1 liter of gas for your car seriously. And one more great thing. For one guy there ae 4 gals Because of the war :P


        • #5
          Originally posted by pkonowrocki
          Well I was born in Moscow and I don't really like that I lived in Russia (was USSR when i was born ( 89' )) for 4 years and then moved. From what my mum says Russia is a very friendly and nice country, u just have to get used to it. It sure is fun to drink with russians etc. And Vodka there is cheaper that 1 liter of gas for your car seriously. And one more great thing. For one guy there ae 4 gals Because of the war :P
          Your a Russian!?


          • #6
            I want to visit Russia so bad. You just need some Rosetta Stone CD's to get used to the Russian language with it's non-standard lettering and whatnot. I hear they treat Americans pretty bad in the airports if you can't understand Russian though. They overcharge and whatnot.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ACman
              Your a Russian!?
              Nope just 25%

              Originally posted by Crism
              I want to visit Russia so bad. You just need some Rosetta Stone CD's to get used to the Russian language with it's non-standard lettering and whatnot. I hear they treat Americans pretty bad in the airports if you can't understand Russian though. They overcharge and whatnot.
              And a taxi driver will drive you around the city for half an hour to the palce that is five minutes away


              • #8
                I think some parts are worse than others. And vodka is cheaper than clean water.... or maybe that's just what everyone says


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mungous
                  I think some parts are worse than others. And vodka is cheaper than clean water.... or maybe that's just what everyone says
                  Actually true, and it's easier to get vodka than clean water


                  • #10
                    I want go to Russia for tour.

