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So..anyone play BattleField 2??

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  • #16
    haha, i'm still learning to fly the choppers, i'm pretty good with the planes though. But for the heli's i comepltly SUCK at taking it in low and dropping people off and then getting the heck outta there..haha..usually i drop the players off, and then some one gets on the head seeking missles thing (sorry for my lack of knowledge haha) and shoots me down.

    So do all of you guys have the v1.3 Patch installed? or just the original one...v1.1?? Cause mine is only 1.1 and i can only play on like 6 servers...and i already god banned from one since people kept on getting in my way on take off and i got blammed for extensive TK'ing.
    ***My Blog***


    • #17
      I'm patched up to 1.3, only because I want to play the addon packs. The russian made choppers are easiest to fly, then the Blackhawk, then the AH-1. I can't figure out how to fly the planes for the life of me. SpecOps is my kit of choice, I play more at school because we have a T1/T3 line there, hence fast connection, although here at home we're getting Verizon FIOS so my net connection should be faster and I can play more.


      • #18
        Originally posted by PIAA310
        haha, i'm still learning to fly the choppers, i'm pretty good with the planes though. But for the heli's i comepltly SUCK at taking it in low and dropping people off and then getting the heck outta there..haha..usually i drop the players off, and then some one gets on the head seeking missles thing (sorry for my lack of knowledge haha) and shoots me down.
        You should really keep at it, you can do a lot with the heli's on BF2. It is actually possible to hover a few feet off the ground inverted on the game. It does take a lot of practice, though.

