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Fast Food Chains

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  • JeffinDEN
    Damn, we need a spell checker!

    I like Carl's Junior on the list.

    But if I have the choice, it's Blimpie's first and foremost. They use real meat not turkey this, turkey that like Subway.

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  • Longreach747
    i prefer to go to the local Sushi house and grab some japanese.

    though i do like KFC, cant believe its not on the list.

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  • srbmod
    Guest replied
    What no Big Kahuna Burger?

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  • Colin Parker
    Don't forget, that though the poll is showing McDonalds as the best, many of the ones in the poll are based in North America, and the users here from around the world end up clicking on McDonalds because it may be the only one they know.

    I clicked McDonalds because it is the best I have tried. I have heard many good things about In n Out burger, but never tried it.

    To make the poll better I think you should buy meals from every fast food place in the poll, send them to me here in Hong Kong and have me try them all. That way I will be in a much better position to judge. Thank you.

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  • DeltaASA16
    Guest replied
    I voted for Wendy's. Out here in Virginia, the Wendy's are awesome! The meals are a lot better and the menu's offer a wider variety of food than the McDees and Burger Kings.

    All the health freaks prefer Subway, and i am a semi-health freak. I love a subway sandwich but after a while paying 4-5 dollars for a single sandwich gets old and expensive. I can get an entire meal at Wendy's for 3.50 and walk away happy (while feeling my arteries clogging up!)


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  • AC_A340-500
    Hey, nothing beats a Teen Burger and onion rings from A & W!! Oh yeah and a big root beer in a frosted mug!!

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  • G-TDTW
    Well i hate Mc Donalds as there burgers SUCK! I voted for Burger king as there a lot tastyier and bigger!

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  • mx5_boy

    Blah! None of the above, fast food is gross, although I have been known to pig out on KFC after a big night out.

    Love those Mashies which have gotta be so sooo bad for you!



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  • Jeremy Frew
    I'm gonna have to agree with ya on this one, Marcus. The In N Out at LAX is awesome! Nothing better than eating a burger with some good friends and having the 747s roar over your head. Can't beat the new parking structure right next door for spotting either!

    Originally posted by pilotguy
    I voted In N Out, especially the one at LAX where planes land right over your head!

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  • The Flying Dutchman
    I like Subway.

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  • pilotguy
    I voted In N Out, especially the one at LAX where planes land right over your head!

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  • Eagle_Driver
    It's a close tie between Arby's and In-N-Out. I voted for In-N-Out just because they have more things to choose from. Not to mention the specialty burger/items that aren't on the menu (EX. Animal Style, Wish Burger, Protein Style, Old Fashioned Style, Flying Dutchman, Double Meat, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 ect..., 2x4, Grilled Cheese, Fries-Well Done, Choco-Vanilla Swirl Shake, and the Neopolitan Shake) Besides their beef patties are never frozen and their fries are made fresh every day. I've got to admit though, that Arby's curly fries do taste pretty good

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  • Van Hoolio

    I like Pancheros (, Quiznos (,, Jimmy John's ( and B-Bops (

    I'll eat at any of the places I listed before any on the poll list.


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  • ATLcenter
    Put me down for 'Other' any day!!!
    Give me Subway anyday, thouse subs rock. Healthy, and if you order it right, tasty.

    Btw, a Big Mac and some large fries puts you down 1110 calories. And that's according to Ronald McDonald himself...

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  • nyc_spotter
    I don't usually eat at fast food places, but I always prefer McDonald's if I have to.

    However, several people have been trying to convince me to spend $300 to fly out to California to go to In and Out Burger.

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