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Really really stupid question. I warned you.

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  • Really really stupid question. I warned you.

    Ok so here's the deal. I need to reformat my computer. Bad. It hasn't been done in atleast a year and a half, probably more time than that. Well for this period of time my parents used Outlook express for their email (yes I don't understand why either). Well for some reason they never bother to delete or sort ANYTHING in their inbox. There's at least 2000 unread messages in there. More if you count the read ones. Well they want to save some of them (go figure). Some of them I can understand wanting to save, but I REALLY don't want to sort through 1500 emails for penis pills or mortgage shit to find them and back them up. Is there a place on the computer where all of these emails are backed up already (in the program files or whatever, I haven't had any luck finding them).

    I'm sorry for posting this because this is a wierd and stupid question. If anybody knows it'd help me out a good bit.

    (Oh and you better not flame me SP. You know who you are.

  • #2
    JORDAN! BUDDY!! IM me (but you probably already are if you're reading this...and that fucking buzzing mosquito ad at the top of this page is pissed me off right now...i cant concentrate on typing....ANYWAYS!) I used to have to do this for people back at the shithole computer store that I used to work at. Let me know when you want to do it and IM me and get you the info


    • #3
      I don't have outlook express, but this is how it works in normal Outlook.
      Press "file" -> "archive" and select the folder you want to archive (the inbox) then select the folder you want to archive to (don't store it on the drive your about to format offcourse ).

      When you have reinstalled your pc you can open the archive file with outlook to retrieve the mail.

      Hope this helps


      • #4
        Originally posted by Shadower
        I don't have outlook express, but this is how it works in normal Outlook.
        Press "file" -> "archive" and select the folder you want to archive (the inbox) then select the folder you want to archive to (don't store it on the drive your about to format offcourse ).

        When you have reinstalled your pc you can open the archive file with outlook to retrieve the mail.

        Hope this helps
        Off Topic and Random: I love your avatar hahahaha


        • #5
          I have a question for you.

          Why do you reformat your computer as if its a big deal? Whats the big deal if you havent done it in a year or so?

          Everytime you reformat your computer or turn it off then back on you put extra un-needed strain on the hard drive. If you want a clean Hard Drive, Defrag it. Reformatting should be a last option.


          • #6
            One reason Kevin: Way too much sh*t on this thing. Probably including viruses. The harddrive is 74.4GB total (yeah it's a couple years old). I'm down to about 2 GB. Not enough will the upcoming pictures I'm going to be taking. I'd like to just clear it off and start over.

            Thanks for your replies everybody.


            • #7
              If you need help with your computer with anything.

              Post your Q's there and Geeks will post their A's.

              Inactive from May 1 2009.


              • #8
                I helped em

