OK, my CD drive just stoped working a couple days ago. I put CDs in and nothing happens, and the CD ( D: ) drive thing in My Computer is not there. WTF? Does anybody have any ideas?
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help with CD drive
try finding it on the Device manager by right clicking on My Computer, Hardware Tab, then Device Manager. Then Double click on DVD/CD-ROM Devices and see if it ends up there. If it is there, try the drivers and seeing if "the deivce is working properly". If it doesnt show up, then its drivers have not been installed on the computer.
Try searching on the website of the manufacturer of the drive, see if there is any firmware or driver updates (or drivers to install in case it doesnt show up on the device listing) for the drive. Also see if there is any other discussion about it on any computer forums and see if anyone else has the same problem.
If there isnt any softwware fixes or problems (usually its the main reason). Open up your computer and check all cables leading to the CD Drive and the Motherboard (Just the IDE cables running to and and/or from the Drive). Thats very unlikely that it could come undone.
This is why XP sucks ass, just get a Mac. You would never have this problem.-Kevin
Originally posted by matth^^ Coming from someone who has a PC, haha
Originally posted by DAL767-400ERIf you actually believe that, I've got some oceanfront property in Arizona on sale for you.
Andrew who owned it for a year has never had any problems with it what so ever. My PC took the biggest shit on it self a few months ago. Would never happen on a mac. Only "virus" ive ever seen on a mac is "uptimeoverload.app". Can you guess what it does?
Oh and Colin, call me the next time your PC has a virus, id be glad to back up any of the files on my iBook.-Kevin
Originally posted by ACmanHow many times has my iBook crashed since I bought it? None, how many times for my PC? twice.
Originally posted by ACmanOh and Colin, call me the next time your PC has a virus, id be glad to back up any of the files on my iBook..
Originally posted by pkonowrockisame thing just happened to me.....wtf ??? What drive do u have - maybe we got the same ones. Mine is LG DVD-RW...I can't play FS now
Originally posted by DAL767-400ERI use a Mac at work, and it usually crashes at least once a month. My last PC major PC crash was over 3 years ago. Since then, only programs or games killed themselves.
Ive tried to deliberatly crash my iBook or crash any program and it wont rape it self in the ass like a PC. Ive never had a program or the OS (Kernel Panic) take a dump on it self on a mac.
Originally posted by matthThat thing running Virtual PC on it too?
No point, I have a mac, I like it for the OS. VPC is a waste of space. Plus anyone with a Intel-Based Mac will tell you Boot Camp is 100% better.-Kevin