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Aviation Websites

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  • Aviation Websites

    Despite this thread being about aviation, I felt it was better suited to the off-topic forum.

    I was wondering if there's any 'gaps in the market' exist in terms of aviation websites? I know there's loads of photo sites and fleet list sites, but are there any areas of aviation that are lacking in terms of internet sites?

  • #2
    If someone has an idea I dont think there gonna spill it, the internet is a pretty good market


    • #3
      Originally posted by bmiChris2k5
      Despite this thread being about aviation, I felt it was better suited to the off-topic forum.

      I was wondering if there's any 'gaps in the market' exist in terms of aviation websites? I know there's loads of photo sites and fleet list sites, but are there any areas of aviation that are lacking in terms of internet sites?
      I know of a gap, but I am not telling! In fact I've been working on said project off and on for almost a year.

      If you're looing for a website project, consider creating a website devoted exlusively to a favorite plane, especially one that does not have such a website. An example of similar website:


      • #4
        not enough people who know wtf they are talking about

