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France renames "E-mail"

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  • France renames "E-mail"

    dumb as the 'freedom fries'....

  • #2
    I don't find anything dumb about it. France is not trying to get back at anyone. They are just protecting their French language. France is very strong in culture.

    France did not come up with a new word. E-mail stands for "electronic
    mail" which the translation in French is "Courrier électronique" being

    I do not find this offensive at all.
    Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij


    • #3
      Does anyone even care what the French do?


      • #4
        Obviously you do if you took the time to start the subject.
        Click Here to view my aircraft photos on here!
        Click Here to view my aircraft photos...over there!


        • #5
          Run that by me again? I started the subject?



          • #6
            Whats funny is everyone there uses "mail" or "email". I doubt retarded sounding "courriel" will ever catch on....



            • #7
              JeffinDEN - Oops, sorry. I thought you started this thread.

              Leftseat- LOL i know. Courriel sounds like something one might eat.
              Click Here to view my aircraft photos on here!
              Click Here to view my aircraft photos...over there!


              • #8
                Living in a country with a lot of French speaking people yes. we do care. The French, like most linguistic groups, are trying to preserve their language and their heritage.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Leftseat86
                  Whats funny is everyone there uses "mail" or "email". I doubt retarded sounding "courriel" will ever catch on....

                  There's nothing 'funny' about the fact that everyone there uses the words "mail" or "email". In fact, that is the reason why they decided to promote the use of the word "courriel" instead.

                  And as long as you don't move to France and have to use French to correspond with other people, I really don't see a point why you should address other people's official language as retarded.

                  You critisize other people's language yet you finish each and every post of yours with an image with a Spanish text. Can't you express yourself properly in your own language?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by schoenorama
                    Originally posted by Leftseat86
                    Whats funny is everyone there uses "mail" or "email". I doubt retarded sounding "courriel" will ever catch on....

                    There's nothing 'funny' about the fact that everyone there uses the words "mail" or "email". In fact, that is the reason why they decided to promote the use of the word "courriel" instead.

                    And as long as you don't move to France and have to use French to correspond with other people, I really don't see a point why you should address other people's official language as retarded.

                    You critisize other people's language yet you finish each and every post of yours with an image with a Spanish text. Can't you express yourself properly in your own language?
                    Do you like start fights Mr. Schoenorama? Clovis said nothing critical...

                    Anyway, I don't think its such a bad idea... nothing annoys me more then hearing English words in Portuguese language...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by JeffinDEN
                      Does anyone even care what the French do?
                      Probably a lot more than we care about your profile, even with it helpfully signposted in your signature
                      I walked across an empty land
                      I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
                      I felt the earth beneath my feet
                      Sat by the river and it made me complete


                      • #12
                        You critisize other people's language yet you finish each and every post of yours with an image with a Spanish text. Can't you express yourself properly in your own language?


                        Maybe the fact that I am FRENCH has something to do with it?



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Leftseat86


                          Maybe the fact that I am FRENCH has something to do with it?

                          Then you' re the last person from who I expected such an insulting remark.
                          And on top of that, you even use a spanish text to emphasize every single post you make (in English).

                          Originally posted by nyc_spotter
                          Do you like start fights Mr. Schoenorama? Clovis said nothing critical... .
                          I believe he did and I believe I have the right to say so, whether you like it or not.

                          Originally posted by kaddyuk
                          You must be a n00b, clovis is fluent in french hahahaha, He has only just moved out of toulouse to LAX hahaha, the name Clovis is french. hahaha.
                          My God, you are childish. Does your Mom know you are using her PC?


                          • #14
                            Stop being so picky and chill out
                            I walked across an empty land
                            I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
                            I felt the earth beneath my feet
                            Sat by the river and it made me complete


                            • #15
                              Then you' re the last person from who I expected such an insulting remark.

                              How would you know its insulting if you aren't french?

                              I've talked to my french friends online who have told me they think its a joke. It is just that retarded. There's no point to it. E-mail is an acronym, it has nothing to do with litterature or preserving language, this is just a silly stunt.
                              In america we don't change the word "Aileron" to "wing stabilising flap" just because its a french word...


