I had my two lower wisdoms extracted 30 years ago (I was 17) They were actually coming in sideways! I had to be put under for the procedure. I guess they used laughing gas, b/c when I came to, I was laughing, and since I was a fan of the 70s show "Happy Days", I was doing a very poor imitation of "the Fonz" "'eeeeeeeeeeeeyyyy!!" Later that day, after the anesthesia had worn off, I experienced pain, but the dentist had written a prescription for painkillers, so I took one and was OK. No pain after that day. I had to have stitches, and the next day I discovered that I couldn't eat anything solid b/c the chewed foot would get hung up in the stitches. So for a week, I lived on liquids and ice cream, until the stitches were removed. The good side was, I lost 10 pounds that week. The bad was, I couldn't eat ice cream for several months after that.
My uppers were taken out 5 1/2 years later, they were coming in more or less straight, so the dentist gave me a local and extracted them.
No announcement yet.
Wisdom Teeth
Ok, figured I'd add my "trip report". Went to the oral surgeon's at 7:45 this morning, was in there & consulted about 8:05-8:10. The doctor explained what he was doing & went over the sedation options I had. I've never been a fan of IV's or the idea of being drugged, but went with the IV...and man, was it worth it. They hooked me up, within a few minutes I was drowsy & the next thing I remember, I'm being walked out to my dad's car by two pretty hot nurses. Whole thing took less than an hour. I regret not getting the IV the last time, even though they told me I couldn't have it because I had eaten.
Very few after-effects. My mouth was so swollen that I had trouble getting the first pain pills swallowed. Took those & fell asleep at 10am, woke up at 11, fell back asleep at noon & was out like a light through 6:30pm. Went back to sleep at 8 & am back up now, although I'll probably be wound the rest of the night.
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Originally posted by CrismI've had about 12 baby teeth pulled (2 sessions)
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I've had about 12 baby teeth pulled (2 sessions), 1 extraction, braces, lip bumper, pallet expander x2, and now the wisdom teeth. I'm doing ok today but I saw some of the stitches last night and that kind of freaked me out seeing as they weren't tied to my gum. I didn't touch them. Waking up was the worst part after sleeping on one side. I don't know if it was the braces poking me in the cheek or one of the sutures pulling or what. Just rinsed my mouth out with hydrogen peroxide and water (tastes like shiiiiiiittttttt) and then brushed what I could of my teeth. Gotta do some more icing . Thank god I only have 2 days of school this week, but then again, I've got 3 tests on Tuesday .
Please make this be over
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Well, I havent had my wisdom teeth removed. But I have had two oral surgeries. One they had to take a drill through my gums all the way to under my nose. I was awake for the whole thing.
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I have to get mine out probably next month. Merry Christmas. At least I only have two to have taken out & they're supposedly not attached to anything yet.
This is in addition to having some gum tissue removed in March in preparation to get rid of my braces & that was a miserable enough experience.
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I had all four taken out on the same day in June, and was awake the whole time with IV sedation. No major problems and I was fine in a few days. Just stick it out!
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Originally posted by B757300I was awake for the entire thing. Didn't feel anything with all the shots they gave me.
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Originally posted by chrisburnsAm I the only one that didn't get to be asleep for this?
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[QUOTE=Crism] It was just the greatest feeling ever to be asleep for it though. QUOTE]
Am I the only one that didn't get to be asleep for this?
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I had all 4 out in one day and then went to work. Baaaad move. Other than the drooling and the non-stop bleeding they finally had a buddy take me home when I came close to passing out.
A buddy had them out this summer. He booked 3 days off work.....suck he is LOL
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Originally posted by E-Diddy!Pretty much sounds like the warriors we have at UND. The GNS 430 is a fun toy to play with, and the airplane cruises at about 110 or thereabouts.
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I had all of mine out back in June. I put it off for almost 10 years but when the top left one decided to suddenly grow in half way, I had no choice.
The bottom two were easy as they grew in perfectly straight and with plenty of room. The top too were a problem. As I said, the upper left was sideways but the upper right was stuck behind a piece of bone so it couldn't actually grow in and it was jammed up into my sinuses.
I decided not to be knocked out for the procedure; I tend to have very bad reactions to anesthesia. Instead they used about a dozen Novocain shots and I didn’t feel a thing. What was worse is that I cannot take more than a single narcotic pill as they make me puke. Instead I just took 800mg ibuprofen the dentist prescribed.
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Had all four taken out at the same time 16 years ago. They gave me an IV however I was still somewhat awake the whole time. I remember them using the side of my mouth as a leverage point to get them out. Kind of wierd. The best part was I was in the Air Force so they kept me overnight in the Hospital and a really hot nurse woke me up every couple hours to take my vitals. Ahhh...the days of being single.
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Originally posted by Crism
The single Warrior we have just got a new engine and a G430 so I'm VERY tempted to get checked out in that.
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