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Want a Canon 30D?

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  • #16
    To give you boys all an idea, I bought mine in October, just the 30D body and paid 1179 for it.
    Ryan Davis
    Admin, FlyerGuide.Net


    • #17
      Dantheman, were your eyes bigger than your stomach? Are you new to photography? I find that I enjoy it with my D40 since it is in the beginners category for DSLR users. It's a pinch to use and you can grow from there. And it was only $800 with a lens.
      My Flickr Pictures! Click Me!


      • #18
        Originally posted by ExpressJet145
        To give you boys all an idea, I bought mine in October, just the 30D body and paid 1179 for it.
        I know perfectly well what its worth lol


        • #19
          That is just the body. And I have already mentioned that my price is negotiable.

          Originally posted by ExpressJet145
          To give you boys all an idea, I bought mine in October, just the 30D body and paid 1179 for it.
          I had the money to buy it. That is why I went ahead with the purchase and I was also very much impressed with the image quality.

          Originally posted by Cam
          Dantheman, were your eyes bigger than your stomach? Are you new to photography? I find that I enjoy it with my D40 since it is in the beginners category for DSLR users. It's a pinch to use and you can grow from there. And it was only $800 with a lens.


          • #20
            if your willing to hang onto it for a bit until I see if I can come up with the money I might take it, but otherwise I'm out.

