M-F 5:30 am. Work starts at 8:00 but I normally reach work around 7:30 everyday.
Sat-Sun... normally around 8 hours after I go to sleep... try to get the maximum possible but because of the body cycle get up aruond 9 - 9:30 am.
How bout going to bed? M-Thurs I normally am in bed by 9pm :s
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What time do you wake up?
Im on "reading" week now, so whenever I like, expect for the weekends when I work mornings(8am).
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Tues-Sat.: wake up at 3:25am and get to work at 4:26am.
Sun-Mon.: around 9am.
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School days (Mo-Fr): 0645
Week-ends: It varies between 0900 and 1030
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If I have class that is mandatory(most courses can be done without ever leaving home...) then so that I can make it. Otherwise it seems that I sleep when I feel like it...
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On Sunday I get up at 5:30am because I start work at 7am. The rest of the week I get up somewhere between 8 or 9am because my work shifts don't start until the afternoon.
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