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My first slide...

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  • My first slide...

    Yeah I know some might find it booring, but it just happened. I just had my first ever slide in a car in my life. Happens to everyone sooner or later. I was driving my mom's minivan (Mazda MPV) after driving my girl home and it was raining. And I was going down the curvy road (Mississauga rd. for those from TO.) at around 55-60km/h and suddenly my car started sliding sideways so I turned the wheel the other way and it started going towards the fence and the trees and the creek. Luckily I managed to regain control and yeah survive So yeah I was sooo scarred. But glad I know what it's like. LOL you don't want to see the skid marks

  • #2
    Good to hear that you're ok. But aren't you supposed to turn in the same direction as the skid?


    • #3
      Originally posted by JordanD
      Good to hear that you're ok. But aren't you supposed to turn in the same direction as the skid?
      Knowing us, if it happened to me or you, we'd try slamming on the rudder .....and it wouldn't be there!


      • #4
        Haha. Yes on the course you are being tought to turn on the same direction as the slide. However I was going at around 55km/s down the hill so if I did that my car would probably flip over and onto the trees and down to the creek. So that was the only way for me to gain control. I was in such shock later.
        Btw. 3 weeks ago in the same place, a car hit the tree and went into the creek killig 2 people. There's still a cross and flowers in that place. It's a bad luck curve I guess.


        • #5
          You can't really go fast on Mississauga Road any time eh Patrick. Do they still have that spring of water that people stop at and plug up the road? (below Dundas).

          Sliding in the car is like spinning in an airplane. The heart always races a bit faster.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Crism
            Knowing us, if it happened to me or you, we'd try slamming on the rudder .....and it wouldn't be there!
            As Jordan knows, its happened to me more than once when driving. That damn shift thing in Toyota's is too similar to the throttle in a Piper.

            And I think Jordan is right, you turn towards the direction you're skidding.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ptbodale
              You can't really go fast on Mississauga Road any time eh Patrick. Do they still have that spring of water that people stop at and plug up the road? (below Dundas).

              Sliding in the car is like spinning in an airplane. The heart always races a bit faster.
              Yeah they do haha. That's where to curves are and where I slided. Ouch I can still feel my heart baeting extra fast. The limit is 50 and I was at around 55-60, though I should have been going slower because of the rain. At least now I know what it's like.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Crism
                Knowing us, if it happened to me or you, we'd try slamming on the rudder .....and it wouldn't be there!
                And youd end up hitting the gas or the brakes, which would be really bad.


                • #9
                  I hit the gas and then immidiately after hit the brake. It was also really nice of the guy driving behind me who later stopped next to me on the lights and asked if I'm ok and if I need any help or something. That's what I like about Canada - kind people.
                  Btw. should I tell my mom what happened, or just leave it for me and my friends ?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bok269
                    And youd end up hitting the gas or the brakes, which would be really bad.
                    Indeed. But I got better.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by pkonowrocki
                      I hit the gas and then immidiately after hit the brake. It was also really nice of the guy driving behind me who later stopped next to me on the lights and asked if I'm ok and if I need any help or something. That's what I like about Canada - kind people.
                      Btw. should I tell my mom what happened, or just leave it for me and my friends ?
                      If you still wanna drive places, I'd say don't tell your parents.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by pkonowrocki
                        Btw. should I tell my mom what happened, or just leave it for me and my friends ?
                        Other than scaring the daylights out of yourself will you learn anything additional by telling her? She might worry about you even more if you tell her.Since nothing broke, nobody was hurt it would be okay not to tell her (unless your buddies will).

                        And this coming from a Dad....gees


                        • #13
                          Thanks for advices !
                          I didn't tell her. She didn't notice, but we'r driving to sat. school today and we pass that damn curve and shes like "look at thsoe marks, somebody was braking hard here" and I'm like "yeaaaa...truuu"
                          My gf is just scarred to get into car with me now. She almost cried yesterday when I told her.


                          • #14
                            Id say if you hit the gas then the breakes (wtf?!) and turned the oppersit direction of the skid then you may want to think about re-taking your driving test lol

                            And boo to you for trying to impress the woman by taking her ass home in an MPV


                            • #15
                              First of all an MPv is not something to be ashamed of. Oh yeah lets see what you were driving at the age of 17...a 2007 Mercedes SL AMG ??? Mazda is an ok car, really comfortable and as long as it works then I'm happy.
                              Anywayyyy what they teach you in tests does nto always work. i f i turned in the direction of the slide then obviously I the car would ahve flipped over and I wouldn't be writing this now. So I'm pretty sure I did the right thing, trying to save both my car and my butt.
                              Oh and I'm not trying to impress my girl with an MPV. I sold my BMW and cannot aford a new car so I ahve to drive my mom's minivan. But she doesn't care. if I wanted to impres her i would probably take my dad's 300C Hemi...

