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Deadly fighting drives Gaza closer to civil war

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  • Deadly fighting drives Gaza closer to civil war

    UPI delivers the latest headlines from around the world: Top News, Entertainment, Health, Business, Science and Sports News - United Press International

    GAZA CITY, Gaza*--* Hamas fighters armed with guns and rocket launchers besieged two Fatah security headquarters Tuesday as deadly clashes threatened to topple the government and drive Gaza closer to civil war.

    Gunmen from the radical Islamist movement ambushed two seats of the Fatah loyalist national security - the main Palestinian security force - in Gaza City and Jabaliya provoking clashes with those holed up inside.

    Security officials and witnesses said that Hamas gunmen quickly abandoned the fight at the Gaza City base where security officers repelled them from storming inside, but that fighting was continuing at the larger base in Jabaliya.

    Hamas' armed Ezzedine Al Qassam Brigades unilaterally declared "the northern Gaza Strip a closed military zone" under its control and called on members of the mainstream Fatah loyalist security forces to stay at home.

    The attacks came after mortar shells slammed into Prime Minister Ismail Haniya's home and the seafront compound of President Mahmoud Abbas in the latest bout of fighting that has killed 18 people in 24 hours.

    The apparently no-holds barred conflict threatens the very foundations of a Hamas-Fatah coalition that took office less than three months ago in a bid to halt the feuding that has killed nearly 180 people since December.
    Things are appearantly getting out of control in Gaza, very worrying news, with the saddest part being that most of those killed are probably innocents .

  • #2
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    Tanner Johnson - Owner
    twenty53 Photography


    • #3
      Seriously, that region has been out of control for 2,000 years. The US just needs to back of and let the locals take matters in their own hands.
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      • #4
        Originally posted by FlyingPhotog
        Seriously, that region has been out of control for 2,000 years. The US just needs to back of and let the locals take matters in their own hands.
        The US isn't involved in Hamas and Fatah slaughtering one another .


        • #5
          Originally posted by DAL767-400ER
          The US isn't involved in Hamas and Fatah slaughtering one another .
          Good point, but I'm taking about the whole middle-eastern region.
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          • #6
            Originally posted by FlyingPhotog
            Good point, but I'm taking about the whole middle-eastern region.
            Israel is a valuable ally in fighting terror.


            • #7
              I agree we need to get out of the Middle East. It has brought us nothing but problems. Wars, terrorist attacks, etc, and for what? If they can't figure out how to get along for thousands of years, what's gonna make them start now, and why is it our problem? Israel can either figure out how to get along on it's own, or fail. The Middle East has caused nothing but problems for that West since day 1.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Airbus_A320
                I agree we need to get out of the Middle East. It has brought us nothing but problems. Wars, terrorist attacks, etc, and for what? If they can't figure out how to get along for thousands of years, what's gonna make them start now, and why is it our problem? Israel can either figure out how to get along on it's own, or fail. The Middle East has caused nothing but problems for that West since day 1.
                Having Israel as our strongest ally in the Middle East is valuable as we try to fight off terrorism and states that support it. Does it give us problems? Sure. But so did both World Wars. So does crime fighting. But the ends justify the means. We just need to stick it out until the oil runs out. When that happens, things will be drastically different.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Bok269
                  Israel is a valuable ally in fighting terror.
                  Yes I have read they're supposedly an ally on paper. But I don't recall them actually doing anything to catch terrorists or prevent them from their acts.
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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bok269
                    Having Israel as our strongest ally in the Middle East is valuable as we try to fight off terrorism and states that support it. Does it give us problems? Sure. But so did both World Wars. So does crime fighting. But the ends justify the means. We just need to stick it out until the oil runs out. When that happens, things will be drastically different.
                    There are other places with oil in the world, including our very own US of A. Middle Eastern countries are getting rich off our backs and we just pay more and more. Leaders flying around in private A340s, huge palaces, etc, and why, because we continue to buy oil from them when we have our own. But why don't we drill for it??? Because some pinko hippies have decided it's more important to protect some animals instead of energy independence. This country's recent behavior in the world, combined with our overdependance on other countries doesn't bode well IMO. Especially since we have the resources and capabilities to produce do otherwise.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by FlyingPhotog
                      Yes I have read they're supposedly an ally on paper. But I don't recall them actually doing anything to catch terrorists or prevent them from their acts.
                      Israel? Not Fighting terror? Israel has been fighting terrorism since long before 9/11. Mossad, Israel's version of the CIA or MI6, is one of the most elite covert ops agencies in the world. Israel can't stop and won't stop fighting terror.

                      There are other places with oil in the world, including our very own US of A. Middle Eastern countries are getting rich off our backs and we just pay more and more. Leaders flying around in private A340s, huge palaces, etc, and why, because we continue to buy oil from them when we have our own. But why don't we drill for it??? Because some pinko hippies have decided it's more important to protect some animals instead of energy independence. This country's recent behavior in the world, combined with our overdependance on other countries doesn't bode well IMO. Especially since we have the resources and capabilities to produce do otherwise.
                      I think you misunderstood me. What I meant was is that when the Middle East runs out of oil, those nations that are supporting terrorism will see their power reduced drastically. When that happens, Israel's security will be in much better shape.


                      • #12
                        As for Israel not taking action in being our ally, thats exactally how they helped us! In Desert Storm Iraq was attacking their cities with Missles to try to drag them into war. We begged Israel to stay out of the conflict, otherwise we would lose our vital Arab allys. Israel agreed, and endured the attacks while staying out of the conflict.

                        And they've been fighting terror for a long, long time.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Bok269
                          Israel? Not Fighting terror? Israel has been fighting terrorism since long before 9/11. Mossad, Israel's version of the CIA or MI6, is one of the most elite covert ops agencies in the world. Israel can't stop and won't stop fighting terror.

                          I think you misunderstood me. What I meant was is that when the Middle East runs out of oil, those nations that are supporting terrorism will see their power reduced drastically. When that happens, Israel's security will be in much better shape.
                          So, we just wait 50, 100 years maybe more and just see what happens while thousands of Americans die and we spend astronomical amounts of money that we don't even have so we can prop up Israel which apparently isn't capable of taking care of itself after half a century?
                          Anyways, terror is an idea, it isn't going to go away if a few oil kingdoms collapse. In fact that would just make it worse as there would be more recruits to convince that if they blew themselves up they would get 70 virgins.

                          If we leave the Middle East we can spend all that money to make this country stronger and protect it in the proper ways, not the half assed stuff and bullshit you see happening today. But as it is, we spend billions of $$$ to take care of the Middle East and we can't even control who enters the US.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Airbus_A320
                            So, we just wait 50, 100 years maybe more and just see what happens while thousands of Americans die and we spend astronomical amounts of money that we don't even have so we can prop up Israel which apparently isn't capable of taking care of itself after half a century?
                            Anyways, terror is an idea, it isn't going to go away if a few oil kingdoms collapse. In fact that would just make it worse as there would be more recruits to convince that if they blew themselves up they would get 70 virgins.

                            If we leave the Middle East we can spend all that money to make this country stronger and protect it in the proper ways, not the half assed stuff and bullshit you see happening today. But as it is, we spend billions of $$$ to take care of the Middle East and we can't even control who enters the US.
                            Last time I checked there aren't any American troops dying in Israel. Sure, we are giving them aid and sharing info, but it is no where near what is going on in Iraq expense wise. Israel can take care of itself-but a friend would be good. Besides, the US has just as much an interest in preventing Islamic fundamentalists from taking over the middle East as the Israelis do. That is why we are helping the Israelis.

                            Even if Terror is still around post-oil, the funding wont be. Money is what makes the world go around.

