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Yay I'm done high school and just had my prom

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  • Yay I'm done high school and just had my prom

    Yay !! Another chapter in my life is finished. After four years I've finished high school and Im moving on to university. Wohoo I'm so excited !! Though I will miss those good old high school days and my friends. Hopefully univ will be fun. Those four years were so much fun for me and pased by like a month or two. Really I remember grade 9 like if it was yesterday... we had our high school prom yesterday and it was awesome but so many people were crying, as some of us have probably seen each for the last time yesterday... ysterday had officially finished my high school and it was an amazing night. So formal but great. We then drove to our friend's cottage for an after party and came back to Toronto at liek 5 in the morning lol. So yeah, Im really excited to be done high school, and still excited after the prom. For those of you who have me on facebook have a look at the pics. I'm posting one here. Anyway just wanted to share my happiness with ya. really cant't describe my mood right now. LOL I will probably calm down from all the excitement by tomorow but yeah. WOHOO lol

    Just one pic from the prom lol:

    Edit: image deleted because I dont want it on public forum for longer than 2 days.

    Me and my date
    Last edited by Guest; 2007-06-24, 17:08.

  • #2
    So to sum it all up:

    You just had sex, and as for school, now you're out of this bitch. Correct?

    Next year I graduate, can't wait until my schools prom. Only got to go to my girlfriends school this year, I'll be the first to tell you, those Catholic school girls are crazy.


    • #3
      Congrads!!! Hope College goes Well. I am going into my Senior Year of High School, have any advice how to deal with it and avoid senioritize?
      John Poshepny

      If the Wright brother were alive today Wilbur would have to fire Orville to reduce costs.— Herb Kelleher, Southwest Airlines, 'USA Today,' 1994


      • #4
        Originally posted by AASuper80Fan
        have any advice how to deal with it and avoid senioritize?
        Why avoid it? Thats the best part.


        • #5
          LOL nah nothing crazy that night as that girl I went with is not my gf and I promised my actual gf that I will stayl loyal blah blah blah lol. Anyway it was awesome. And yeah I know girls from catholic schools are crazy - especailly from all girls schools lol (like my gf). In fact I just finished a catholic high school
          As for the senior year its unfotunately not so much fun anymore. Not as many parties as grade 11 and its pretty much all about worying about universities and getting high marks. But of course you can still have fun. I'm now going into Politics...then I dunno lol. We'll see


          • #6
            Heh, my girlfriend's school is also all-girls. I know what you mean.


            • #7
              WE have an all-girls school in the town next to us. Its a running joke about how, um, open minded they are to trying new things if you catch my drift.

              Congrats on finishing High school, Patryk. I have Junior year to look forward to now. Anyone want to switch.

              I can't wait for second semester senior year. Here, aside from APs, no one cares anymore. High marks? Who needs them, youre in college already.


              • #8
                Personally, I'm glad high school is over, I graduated last year. I have to say it is where I met some of the downright stupidest and closed minded people I think I will ever meet. I just hope that none of them ever get put in charge of anything important. Also, I went to Catholic school, and to sum it up, it's a joke. If there was any doubt in my mind that religion was a joke, it went away after 4 years of Catholic school.

                College on the other hand, much better.


                • #9
                  I'm glad you had a great time mate.


                  • #10
                    what college you going to?.....Riddle for meeee


                    • #11
                      Congrats Patryk and I like your date.

                      TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses

                      Voe mais alto. Fly higher.



                      • #12
                        Thank you very much Yeah she's really pretty and nice too lol but shes almost my cousin so yeah lol.
                        Anyway Im going to University, not college And hopefully it will be fun haha. Congrats to everyone else who just finished high school !


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by pkonowrocki
                          Thank you very much Yeah she's really pretty and nice too lol but shes almost my cousin so yeah lol.
                          Anyway Im going to University, not college And hopefully it will be fun haha. Congrats to everyone else who just finished high school !
                          Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UNIVERSITY.....see I can do that too


                          • #14
                            Oh lol. Nice. Nah I'm not going anywhere into aviation or anything associated with that. Political Science for me


                            • #15
                              Congrats I just graduated in May and start college in August.
                              You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven

