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No More Small Coffee

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  • #16
    I drink coffee, probably about 36 ounces a morning (2 large mugs). It tastes awful on its own, but cream and sweetener help!
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    • #17
      Originally posted by FlyingPhotog
      I drink coffee, probably about 36 ounces a morning (2 large mugs). It tastes awful on its own, but cream and sweetener help!

      Well hell no wonder your so wired whenever I meet you in Dallas hahaha

      Wait that came out wrong..

      Stop Searching. Start Traveling.


      • #18
        Originally posted by FlyingPhotog
        I drink coffee, probably about 36 ounces a morning (2 large mugs).
        Do you just drink the 36 ounces in the morning, or do you keep that consumption up throughout the day ?


        • #19
          Coffee is not coffee.

          While I agree that badly roasted cheap beans made in cheap standard coffee machine (those with the water just dripping over the coffee) is really an offense to your tounque, a well mad espresso from finest selected South or Middle American beans, is a very different thing.

          For example you try to get hold of some Italian roasted Brazialin "Brazil Santos" and put into a nice espresso machine (not those all in one wonders, but a nice original italian) and the put just the right amount of water through it with the right temperature and pressure and it tastes like heaven.

          The try it with Jamaica Blue Mountain, then Colombia Fino,... or those Italian blends. (Nannini, Hausbrandt, Lucca Cafe, Costadoro,...)

          Or one of the interesting spanish roasted, were up to 40% of the beans have been treated with caramel during roasting.And have it served as typical leche y leche ....

          Ok, now I got to go to the coffee bar and get my an Mochachino...
          Last edited by seahawk; 2007-08-20, 08:38.


          • #20
            Originally posted by seahawk
            Coffee is not coffee.
            Try to explain the difference to the "brown water in a large mug" drinking people .... Good luck!!

            Originally posted by seahawk
            Or one of the interesting spanish roasted, were up to 40% of the beans have been treated with caramel during roasting.And have it served as typical leche y leche ....
            Whenever I'm in Spain, I bring some kilos of this coffee home. It's simply ... YUMMEEE!!! Little drawback: that caramel treatment tends to make the coffee beans almost glued to larger pieces, which then tend to get stuck in the coffee grinder.

            Usually I have my 5-8 Espressos a day, which keeps me ... uhmmm .... fresh

            My photos on Flickr


            • #21
              Yes, I must bring back a lot more this time. It is a really great taste. (Marcillia or something I did take last time and it was really good)

