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9/11 Remembrance

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  • #16
    Yeah, I was in 8th grade. During English class the teacher came in and said a plane had crashed into the WTC. That class ended then we went to Social Studies but the teacher didn't come for a while, then he just came in and told everyone to go watch in the library. Since it was a fairly small school pretty much everyone was able to fit in there, so the rest of the day was spent watching the events on MSNBC I think it was. Some people came and took their kids home.
    It was good that our principle and teachers actually let us see what was going on and watch it so we could understand what had happened. I hate to hear stories of schools being locked down and not allowing anyone to leave because of what happened, or not allowing kids to see what happened or forbidding talk of it. It's not good to keep it such a big secret from kids and making them even more scared then they already were by giving vague information by just saying stuff like "multiple plane crashes, large terrorist attacks", etc. Any teachers/administrators that acted that way should be ashamed of themselves. Not sure why believe that things need to be censored from kids. They live in the same world and eventually they're gonna have to know what's going on, so as an educator you should be making sure they are informed of what's going on, not blocked out from it.


    • #17
      I remember I was getting ready for work and decided to check out the news and weather before I shut the TV off to leave and I saw the first tower had been hit. Not long after I saw the second plane hit. I was numb for a few moments as I watched it all unfold. My 2 year old walked into the room just then and I picked him up and held him tightly as I watched. I will never forget that day.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Airbus_A320
        Yeah, I was in 8th grade. During English class the teacher came in and said a plane had crashed into the WTC. That class ended then we went to Social Studies but the teacher didn't come for a while, then he just came in and told everyone to go watch in the library. Since it was a fairly small school pretty much everyone was able to fit in there, so the rest of the day was spent watching the events on MSNBC I think it was. Some people came and took their kids home.
        It was good that our principle and teachers actually let us see what was going on and watch it so we could understand what had happened. I hate to hear stories of schools being locked down and not allowing anyone to leave because of what happened, or not allowing kids to see what happened or forbidding talk of it. It's not good to keep it such a big secret from kids and making them even more scared then they already were by giving vague information by just saying stuff like "multiple plane crashes, large terrorist attacks", etc. Any teachers/administrators that acted that way should be ashamed of themselves. Not sure why believe that things need to be censored from kids. They live in the same world and eventually they're gonna have to know what's going on, so as an educator you should be making sure they are informed of what's going on, not blocked out from it.
        For the rest of the day at my school they wouldn't let anyone outside and they made every teacher lock their classroom doors. I was thinking "and this is supposed to prevent what?"


        • #19
          Schools were locked down for security reasons. No one at the time new what was going on. They didn't want to jeopardize the kids. At my school (I was in 5th grade at the time), everyone had to go home with a parent/guardian. Simply for security. As for telling the kids, a lot was unknown at the time which hindered their ability to tell the kids what was going on. In addition, what happened was a scary event for a young child, and it would have been more appropriate to let the parents discuss it with the kids. Creating fear and hysteria would have also been bad. In the case of my school, we had kids with parents in the WTC, including a first grader at the time who lost his father (his younger brother is a good friend of mine). I could have been very bad if he and his classmates were told. Only the fourth and fifth graders were told.


          • #20
            It was 3rd grade for me, in art class. My art class teacher turned on the TV and we watched both towers fall as we did our little art prjects. I was a little dissaponted we didnt have a moment of silence during class today as they had complaints about it last year. But let it effect our lives as little as possible. Not to be disrespectful for those who have fallen, but to show the terrorists that they will not win, they wont defeat this great nation. As that is what they wanted, to bring us terror.
            Will C.


            • #21
              I had weird experience with 911. I was in 6th grade, most of the teachers had the news on, but all of mine turned it on the class after I left or in the case of my last class, turned it off as I walked in to cause they wanted to get some work done. I heard from friends that a plane crashed and the a north Vietnamese MIG flew into the WTC(?), as separate incidents. I didnt find out what happened until I got home, I went from frustrated and confused to completely shocked.

              9/11 was without doubt one of the worst days in Americas history. May the victims RIP.


              • #22

                Just got back from the WTC site. There were a lot of people around sharing stories and paying respects.

                I was a senior in college when it happened. My first class that day was later in the morning so by the time I woke up it was all over and done with, although with a lot of unanswered questions.

                It's hard to believe it was six years ago. RIP.

                Van Hoolio's Photos


                • #23



                  • #24
                    I sat watching TV all day on sept 11th 2001 and i am not ashamed to say i shed quite a few tears that day RIP to everyone


                    • #25
                      Where were you ????

                      Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day?
                      Were you in the yard with your wife and children?
                      Or working on some stage in LA?
                      Did you stand there in shock at the sight of
                      That black smoke rising against that blue sky?
                      Did you shout out in anger
                      In fear for your neighbor?
                      Or did you just sit down and cry?

                      Did you weep for the children
                      Who lost their dear loved ones
                      And pray for the ones who don't know?
                      Did you rejoice for the people who walked from the rubble
                      And sob for the ones left below?

                      Did you burst out with pride
                      For the red white and blue
                      And the heroes who died just doing what they do?
                      Did you look up to heaven for some kind of answer
                      And look at yourself and what really matters

                      I'm just a singer of simple songs
                      I'm not a real political man
                      I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you
                      The difference in Iraq and Iran
                      But I know Jesus and I talk to God
                      And I remember this from when I was young
                      Faith, Hope and Love are some good things He gave us
                      And the greatest is Love

                      Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day?
                      Teaching a class full of innocent children?
                      Or driving down some cold interstate?
                      Did you feel guilty cause you're a survivor?
                      In a crowded room did you feel alone?
                      Did you call up your mother and tell her you loved her?
                      Did you dust off that Bible at home?
                      Did you open your eyes, hope it never happened?
                      Close your eyes and not go to sleep?
                      Did you notice the sunset the first time in ages?
                      Speak with some stranger on the street?
                      Did you lay down at night and think of tomorrow?
                      Go out and buy you a gun?
                      Did you turn off that violent home movie you're watching
                      And turn on "I Love Lucy" reruns?
                      Did you go to a church and hold hands with some strangers?
                      Stand in line and give your own blood?
                      Did you just stay home and cling tight to your family?
                      Thank God you had somebody to love

                      I'm just a singer of simple songs
                      I'm not a real political man
                      I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you
                      The difference in Iraq and Iran
                      But I know Jesus and I talk to God
                      And I remember this from when I was young
                      Faith, Hope and Love are some good things He gave us
                      And the greatest is Love

                      I'm just a singer of simple songs
                      I'm not a real political man
                      I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you
                      The difference in Iraq and Iran
                      But I know Jesus and I talk to God
                      And I remember this from when I was young
                      Faith, Hope and Love are some good things He gave us
                      And the greatest is Love

                      And the greatest is Love
                      And the greatest is Love

                      Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day?

                      Allan Jackson lyrics - Where Were You

                      Inactive from May 1 2009.


                      • #26
                        Songs like that just make me want to join the Armed Forces. Thanks John!



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by z740
                          Songs like that just make me want to join the Armed Forces. Thanks John!

                          that's funny because country music makes me want to shoot myself in the face


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by screaming_emu
                            that's funny because country music makes me want to shoot myself in the face
                            Yep. Better than rap though.
                            You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by ASpilot2be
                              Yep. Better than rap though.
                              can't disagree with that. i really love country music but maybe that's just because i live in redneck country.



                              • #30
                                Originally posted by z740
                                can't disagree with that. i really love country music but maybe that's just because i live in redneck country.

                                You don't say? *looks at avatar*

