Yeah, I was in 8th grade. During English class the teacher came in and said a plane had crashed into the WTC. That class ended then we went to Social Studies but the teacher didn't come for a while, then he just came in and told everyone to go watch in the library. Since it was a fairly small school pretty much everyone was able to fit in there, so the rest of the day was spent watching the events on MSNBC I think it was. Some people came and took their kids home.
It was good that our principle and teachers actually let us see what was going on and watch it so we could understand what had happened. I hate to hear stories of schools being locked down and not allowing anyone to leave because of what happened, or not allowing kids to see what happened or forbidding talk of it. It's not good to keep it such a big secret from kids and making them even more scared then they already were by giving vague information by just saying stuff like "multiple plane crashes, large terrorist attacks", etc. Any teachers/administrators that acted that way should be ashamed of themselves. Not sure why believe that things need to be censored from kids. They live in the same world and eventually they're gonna have to know what's going on, so as an educator you should be making sure they are informed of what's going on, not blocked out from it.
It was good that our principle and teachers actually let us see what was going on and watch it so we could understand what had happened. I hate to hear stories of schools being locked down and not allowing anyone to leave because of what happened, or not allowing kids to see what happened or forbidding talk of it. It's not good to keep it such a big secret from kids and making them even more scared then they already were by giving vague information by just saying stuff like "multiple plane crashes, large terrorist attacks", etc. Any teachers/administrators that acted that way should be ashamed of themselves. Not sure why believe that things need to be censored from kids. They live in the same world and eventually they're gonna have to know what's going on, so as an educator you should be making sure they are informed of what's going on, not blocked out from it.