Carl Cox were playing, dont know if you guys are familiar with this DJ, he's one of the best IMO..
But if you look at the video, you suddenly hear gunshots...
Some are laying on the dancefloor, some not moving, some still alive but obviously injured.
Have a look at the video below.
I have visited Coxy's website and here's his statement..
“I am deeply shocked and still stunned by the events of Saturday [3rd November]. My condolences go out to victims that were caught up in the horrific act that took place at this gig. I am informed that it was gang related, and feel so sad that anybody would act in such a manner when the event was full of 7000 people having fun. I find it such a sad moment in electronic music as this was probably one of the best set up shows I had played in South America – a sign of real progress…yet utterly hijacked by this mindless act. Again, my heart goes out to those that have died or been injured. This is NOT what the dance scene is about and is a million miles away from what I want to do, or promote.” * Coxy
Have anyone noticed that the gunman(men) actually come back, thus why they started running and scattering around. May the victims rest in peace.
Btw I thought I should bring this one up here as I know that we have a few electronic fans around. Patryk and Dan comes to my mind....