Originally posted by pkonowrocki
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So This Is How It All Ends
Originally posted by pkonowrockiAre you retarded ?? How about we sue your butt for wasting jp.net's valuable brandwirth ?
By uploading you stuff to the net, you accept the fact that in case of any disaster, you data migt be lost, which is why YOU SHOULD HAVE A SAFE COPY OF IT. Think twice before posting...
Geez, so many kids joined the forums in the past half an hour...
Originally posted by pkonowrockiAre you retarded ?? How about we sue your butt for wasting jp.net's valuable brandwirth ?
By uploading you stuff to the net, you accept the fact that in case of any disaster, you data migt be lost, which is why YOU SHOULD HAVE A SAFE COPY OF IT. Think twice before posting...
Geez, so many kids joined the forums in the past half an hour...May a plethora of uncultivated palaeontologists raise the dead in a way that makes your blood boil
For the archives
IntheShade *
Originally posted by pkonowrockiAre you retarded ?? How about we sue your butt for wasting jp.net's valuable brandwirth ?
By uploading you stuff to the net, you accept the fact that in case of any disaster, you data migt be lost, which is why YOU SHOULD HAVE A SAFE COPY OF IT. Think twice before posting...
Geez, so many kids joined the forums in the past half an hour...
RattlerAD.info? Rings a bell somehow...