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Kraut Korner Thread

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    @ptbodale: you should be glad that they helped you out THAT-country. If this would have been happened to you in THERE-country, which is the neighbour of THAT-country, they would have transplant to you another appendix. And with a second one, there would be a stamp in your passport: "Transplantation. See Appendix A for Details"

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  • einesellesenie
    Originally posted by Pipe
    Look at it from the bright side: Normally such cases are deported to a concentration camp. We have many of them in Germany. Appendicitis is a crime there. You were lucky to face a friendly Gestapo officer.
    And they do it to their our *cough*brethren*cough*: Pipe, for instance, was exiled in Brazil for the very same reason...

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  • Pipe
    Originally posted by ptbodale
    Since the Germans deported me some 20 years ago when I arrived on a flight with an appendicitis, they even stamped "deported" in my passport, I don't really have any love for THAT country.
    Look at it from the bright side: Normally such cases are deported to a concentration camp. We have many of them in Germany. Appendicitis is a crime there. You were lucky to face a friendly Gestapo officer.

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  • ZeroAltitude
    Originally posted by ptbodale
    Since the Germans deported me some 20 years ago when I arrived on a flight with an appendicitis, they even stamped "deported" in my passport, I don't really have any love for THAT country.
    Und seit wann haben Flugzeuge Blinddärme?

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  • ZeroAltitude
    Originally posted by ptbodale
    Since the Germans deported me some 20 years ago when I arrived on a flight with an appendicitis, they even stamped "deported" in my passport, I don't really have any love for THAT country.
    Wahrscheinlich hat er versucht, 'ne Tüte Oregano über die Grenze zu schmuggeln.

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  • Kiwi Steve
    Originally posted by Shorrick Mk2
    Ooo. Now I'm scared.
    Don't be, this is - the friendly way to fly - after all.

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  • ptbodale
    Since the Germans deported me some 20 years ago when I arrived on a flight with an appendicitis, they even stamped "deported" in my passport, I don't really have any love for THAT country.

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  • Shorrick Mk2
    Originally posted by TAP-A343
    Fine, let me get this straight for you: the only language accepted here is English and this applies to ALL. Including you and all your bratwurtz language friends.

    As long as I see German written here I'll feel free to write in Portuguese as well because I'm no less than you and your bratwurtz friends.

    Got it?

    And I thought Germans loved rules and sticking to them.
    Ooo. Now I'm scared.

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  • Pipe
    Originally posted by TAP-A343
    Excellent choice, the Neuschwanstein castle is way more beautiful than the Reichstag. And I didn't know you called auntie Angela, Führer. I guess some (bad) habits never go away.

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  • Pipe
    Well, this thread is on the brink of racism and discrimination. Mods, I demand proper german spelling!!!

    It´s Bratwurst, goddammit.

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  • Pipe
    Originally posted by el
    Und warum versucht er uns das auf portugiesisch beizubringen?

    Ek gee nie om nie.
    Ich hab´ ihn eben genau dies auf Portugiesisch gefragt, aber keine Antwort erhalten.

    Vielleicht sollten wir´s mal mit einer anderen Sprache versuchen. Suhaheli?

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  • einesellesenie
    Originally posted by Carlos G.
    ...this is for Krauts only.
    But I love the language and spent quite some time trying to learn it: can I stay?

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  • Carlos G.
    Originally posted by Jorge
    Exactly! Here is the thing Carlos was laughing at TAP-A343 about following the rules, when Carlos himself threw a fit at in the BRA going backrupt thread when people made jokes about in the aviation forum.
    @ Pipe:

    This "pearl" deserves to be analyzed to outline the "logic" some people show in forums:

    Mr. Jorge compares the rule of language in this specific "Kraut" thread (where even one of the Mods posts in german and tells us this is no nunn's girl school) with my strong protests times ago in when some guys were laughing at the bankrupcy of Varig, leaving thousands jobless. And Mr. Jorge seems to have something fixed on my person because I'm from the same country he (or his family) is... Go and have an appointment with the forum shreek, Mr. Jorge, you know who he is. He'll prescribe you some pills and that will fix it (I hope).

    PS You shouldnt bring up the Pope, last time ITS did; Carlos blew a fuse!
    Yes, I blew a fuse at the insults Mr. ITS insisted in throwing in the direction of the chief of the catholic church, correct. Not that I'm a follower of the Vatican (I was in former times) but I respect every school of thought and every ideological leader preaching peace on this troublesome planet. And I believe religious beliefs should be respected regardless of one being a follower or not as long as these beliefs are pro-peace.

    Which is a completely different thing of using the portuguese saying: "Não seja mais papista que o Papa!".

    And now get to other pastures, Mr. Jorge, this is for Krauts only.

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  • el
    Originally posted by Optimus Prime
    Und dank der Google Ich kann jetzt umgekehrt auf diesem Thread!

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  • Optimus Prime
    Ich mag sexy Mädchen, und ich kann nicht lügen ......

    Und dank der Google Ich kann jetzt umgekehrt auf diesem Thread!

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