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Kraut Korner Thread

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  • el


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  • TAP-A343
    Originally posted by DAIRD
    Our parliament is located at Neuschwanstein, while our Fuehrer lives in Berlin.... .
    Excellent choice, the Neuschwanstein castle is way more beautiful than the Reichtag. And I didn't know you called auntie Angela, Führer. I guess some (bad) habits never go away.

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    Originally posted by Pipe
    Well, try to "think" less, the outcome is a disaster.

    That new german word creation ............. I kinda like it. I felt free to correct you above and just to seal our new friendship here, I´ll give you some other varieties:

    It could read "Bratfurz" or "Bartwurz" or "Krümelkacke" but .............. my friend ................. never EVER "bratwurtz".

    There, that should keep you busy for a while. And don´t say I´m not retributing my friend´s favors.
    ...English for runaways... or what?

    @TAP-A343: We like Bratzwurst, Pretzel and Beer. Germans wearing funny night-caps and like rules. Our parliament is located at Neuschwanstein, while our Fuehrer lives in Berlin.... .

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  • el
    Originally posted by Pipe
    Also, er hat mir eröffnet, dass man in diesem Forum nicht Deutsch reden darf. Ihr Arschgeigen habt gefälligst auf Englisch zu sabbeln!
    Und warum versucht er uns das auf portugiesisch beizubringen?

    Ek gee nie om nie.

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  • Sabre
    Originally posted by Pipe
    I suggest you study the corrected quote in my post and compare it to the original, My Dear Conservative Leader, before you spread your german "lessons".
    Come now Pipe, I didn't even try to understand what was being said. Hell, I don't even understand your posts that are written in English.

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  • Pipe
    Originally posted by Sabre
    Results 1 - 4 of 4 for Bratfurz

    Results 1 - 5 of 5 for Bartwurz

    Results 1 - 10 of about 36 for Bratwurz

    Results 1 - 10 of about 469 for Krümelkacke

    Results 1 - 10 of about 159 for bratwurtz

    I'm afraid you are both wrong:

    Results 1 - 10 of about 2,250,000 for bratwurst

    Google to the rescue!

    Next you'll be giving us some kind of nonsense that the word 'beer' has an 'i' in it.
    I suggest you study the corrected quote in my post and compare it to the original, My Dear Conservative Leader, before you spread your german "lessons".

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  • Sabre
    Originally posted by Pipe
    Well, try to "think" less, the outcome is a disaster.

    That new german word creation ............. I kinda like it. I felt free to correct you above and just to seal our new friendship here, I´ll give you some other varieties:

    It could read "Bratfurz" or "Bartwurz" or "Krümelkacke" but .............. my friend ................. never EVER "bratwurtz".

    There, that should keep you busy for a while. And don´t say I´m not retributing my friend´s favors.
    Results 1 - 4 of 4 for Bratfurz

    Results 1 - 5 of 5 for Bartwurz

    Results 1 - 10 of about 36 for Bratwurz

    Results 1 - 10 of about 469 for Krümelkacke

    Results 1 - 10 of about 159 for bratwurtz

    I'm afraid you are both wrong:

    Results 1 - 10 of about 2,250,000 for bratwurst

    Google to the rescue!

    Next you'll be giving us some kind of nonsense that the word 'beer' has an 'i' in it.

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  • TAP-A343
    Originally posted by Pipe
    Well, try to "think" less, the outcome is a disaster.

    That new german word creation ............. I kinda like it. I felt free to correct you above and just to seal our new friendship here, I´ll give you some other varieties:

    It could read "Bratfurz" or "Bartwurz" or "Krümelkacke" but .............. my friend ................. never EVER "bratwurtz".

    There, that should keep you busy for a while. And don´t say I´m not retributing my friend´s favors.
    At least, I made you post 99% in English and only 1% in German.

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  • Pipe
    Originally posted by TAP-A343
    Fine, let me get this straight for you: the only language accepted here is English and this applies to ALL. Including you and all your bratwurtz (Bratwurst) language friends.

    As long as I see German written here I'll feel free to write in Portuguese as _well because I'm no less than you and your Bratwurst friends.

    Got it?

    And I thought Germans loved rules and sticking to them.
    Well, try to "think" less, the outcome is a disaster.

    That new german word creation ............. I kinda like it. I felt free to correct you above and just to seal our new friendship here, I´ll give you some other varieties:

    It could read "Bratfurz" or "Bartwurz" or "Krümelkacke" but .............. my friend ................. never EVER "bratwurtz".

    There, that should keep you busy for a while. And don´t say I´m not retributing my friend´s favors.

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  • TAP-A343
    Originally posted by Pipe
    Não teria sido mais fácil de escrever em Inglês para Todos que aqui não se fala outra língua a não ser a inglesa?

    Tô começando a acreditar naquele ditado das piadas do Português.

    Não vejo nada errado em abrir um thread em Alemão, ninguem vai morrer. Continuo achando que os Alemães vão ter que se esforçar é muito para não perder o troféu do povo mais sem-humor para os Portugueses. Estão chegando perto ...
    Fine, let me get this straight for you: the only language accepted here is English and this applies to ALL. Including you and all your bratwurtz language friends.

    As long as I see German written here I'll feel free to write in Portuguese as well because I'm no less than you and your bratwurtz friends.

    Got it?

    And I thought Germans loved rules and sticking to them.

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  • Jorge
    Originally posted by Pipe
    Me parece você quebrou esta regra.

    Ah, vamos Jorge, não precisamos ser mais católicos que o próprio Papa.

    Exactly! Here is the thing Carlos was laughing at TAP-A343 about following the rules, when Carlos himself threw a fit at in the BRA going backrupt thread when people made jokes about in the aviation forum.

    PS You shouldnt bring up the Pope, last time ITS did; Carlos blew a fuse!

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  • Pipe
    Originally posted by Jorge
    Sr. Carlos a regra é
    Me parece você quebrou esta regra.

    Ah, vamos Jorge, não precisamos ser mais católicos que o próprio Papa.


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  • Jorge
    Originally posted by Carlos G.
    E que regras não estão sendo cumpridas aqui, patrício? Se houvesse quebras de regras os Mods entrariam em acção, não acha? Passe bem.

    Sr. Carlos a regra é

    Post Language
    JetPhotos.Net is and English website, therefore all posts must be in english. Short SMS style words will cause a deletion of the post...

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  • Billy
    Originally posted by Carlos G.

    Billy, you've beaten them all, man..................

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  • Billy
    Originally posted by Pipe

    You made my day, Billy!
    I'm glad!

    Originally posted by Pipe

    Please seek help.
    Well...I've never had a session with Dr. von Verbal...maybe now's the time...LOL!!!

    good to see you Mr. Organ!

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