The guests still in shock from Ryan's breakfast experience came down to lunch a few hours later a bit warily. This time Clovis came to the job of chef and set himself to the task. 5 minutes later he reappeared with a 12 pack and said "We're out of everything else" "Take a beer" No one protested to this and quickly downed their lunch. Since the guests had a lot of free time, they went off to do their activities. Jess read about very large kites, CK, Clovis, and Peter looked at SXM travel pics, Mike read The authorized biography of Amanda Bynes, Tanuj and Scott discussed why they need to improve their pics. :P and Jeff watching a film entitled Panties in a knot. Frist and Jake went off to listen to some Rap. Soon the house was shaking with the thudding rhythm of the music. After a while of this a large explosion echoed through the house and the music stopped abruptly. The guests rushed to the foyer to find a gaping whole and pieces of Frist and Jake laying apart. "damn" was the first thing out of Mike's mouth when he saw the new door. Tanuj and Scott stared in disbelief at the large hole in the house. and Jeff said "I hope the second floor doesn't collapse down" Which it promptly did. the guests were confronted with the task of repairing the side of the house in that afternoon before night fell. Luckily Clovis found some old boards so they managed to patch up the house so it stopped raining into the interior. The guests sat down in the evening to another liquid meal. And retired to bed early. That night as the guests slept in fitfulness a solitary gun shot was heard. The guests awoke and wandered to the hall confusedly. Ck counted the guests "1,2,3,4,5,6,7." "Someone is missing" "Who is it?" Asked Scott "Looks like Jeff" replied Clovis. The guests rushed to his room to find him sitting up in bed apparently unharmed. Clovis walked up to him, and then stepped back in horror. Jeff had been shot, and the left side of his face was a gaping hole! The guests retreated back to the hallway to decide on a course of action. "3 in one day" said CK "Who know if there will be any of us left by in 3 days". "At least there is more beer per person " offered Clovis. "Shut up" offered the other 6 guests "Can't you guys look on the positive side?" retorted Clovis as he slunk off to his room. "Come on guys we need to do something" pleaded CK "Tomorrow" said Scott "Yeah, let's go to bed said Tanuj" "Ok, we'll go to bed but tomorrow we'll form a plan of action" CK said firmly "Ok goodnight then" Scott replied and fumbled down the hallway to his bed. "Goodnight, sweet dreams" said Rolek and he too retired. the remainign guests looked at each other and wandered off to dreamland where problems don't exist.

Having fun yet.
Having fun yet.
