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What do you do for a living?

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  • What do you do for a living?

    Ok, well I was just wondering what we do for a living. I know that we have many that are in the Aviation Industry - but I am sure that there are some of us that don't. (I would love to, but can't.) So, what do you do? Do you like it? Why do you do it?
    Yes I do.
    No I don't, and do not want to.
    No I don't, but would love to.
    Whatever is necessary, is never unwise.

  • #2
    I put in drywall up at the new McDonald's.


    • #3

      My "real" job is Director of Operations at ADI, which is the parent company of model manufacturer GeminiJets. We also handle the importation and distribution of 6 other model aircraft lines.

      My "main" job is running 6 websites, 4 of which are aviation-related (including this one). That keeps me far busier than my "real" job.

      I checked "yes" to working in the aviation industry, because I feel like I do. I don't, however, work in the airline industry, and would never, ever want to with the state that it's in today!
      Trump is an idiot!
      Vote Democrats!!


      • #4
        I worked for two different airlines for a total of 41 years.

        Flying Tigers for 21 years. Ten years as an A&P, 6 years as a Lead Mechanic, 5 years as a supervisor of maintenance.

        FedEx for 20 years as a structures engineer.

        Currently on long term disability. I'll officially retire in January 2010.

        I ticked working in the industry even though I'm no longer active. I still get a paycheck from FedEx.
        Standard practice for managers around the world:
        Ready - Fire - Aim! DAMN! Missed again!


        • #5
          My summer job is a deckhand/engineer on one of these boats

          You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven


          • #6
            I am a professional photographer, however am in flight training in college to work in the aviation industry. I voted No, but I would love to.
            Tanner Johnson - Owner
            twenty53 Photography


            • #7
              Originally posted by JordanD
              I put in drywall up at the new McDonald's.
              "f***in eh man...."

              I knew you looked familiar!

              As for me, I scare 70 people at a time for one of the Delta connection carriers. In fact, I need to go catch the hotel shuttle....seeya!


              • #8
                I'm unemployed and living off money from the state, of which almost half is being spent on job applications and stuff related to that. And try finding a job in Germany without a completed apprenticeship. Doesn't matter that I have spent the past 5 years working in a store, serving customers and doing graphical work, as long as I don't have a state-issued sheet of paper that confirms that I did all this, 2/3 jobs are off-limit to me. (sorry for the rant)


                • #9
                  Ambulance Paramedic.

                  The closest I get to aviation is flying around like a blue assed fly chasing response targets that are unachievable !
                  Do I sound cynical ?
                  If it 'ain't broken........ Don't try to mend it !


                  • #10
                    Civil engineer. Worked a few weeks in the enviromental department of the local (small) airport but went on to a better paying job with the city council of a bigger city.


                    • #11
                      I'm currently working as a call centre drone, for a distance learning (correspondence college) institution. I have thought of working in the airline industry, in the past. But I've given up that idea. Mostly because it's just too unstable these days. I'd still love to have a travel-related job, with a heavy emphasis on railways.


                      • #12
                        I work for Henry Schein Inc. we are the world's largest distributor of health care equipment and supplies. I'm the North American Training Manager for Field Operations...hence I travel allot. Being that I travel for work I really have no desire to work in the aviation industry since I can enjoy it from a passenger’s standpoint.


                        • #13
                          Yes, I do --- But not for much longer...I will be soon leaving Delta and pursuing a more stable career in the healthcare industry, I plan on becoming an RN.


                          • #14
                            I am a locksmith currently. Would love to get into the aviation industry though.



                            • #15
                              I work in management in a large forge shop. We make landing gear and some other assorted parts for planes but I wouldn't call what I do "working in the aviation industry"
                              Signatures are overrated

