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A day in the life of a pilot....

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  • #31
    Originally posted by FlyingPhotog
    That made me think of pirates...
    A certian kind of pirates.


    • #32
      Originally posted by ptbodale
      It was fun watching you fly around. I was checking your "on-time" operation.
      Hey, pretty much every day our numbers are better than mainline


      • #33
        Originally posted by screaming_emu
        " No, it needed to be said. Before he came out he actually posted informative, well thoughut out stuff. Now he's just a whore"

        And I am less informative now? More importantly - do you even assume that I was serious in my statements? I appologize, as it is often difficult to accurately judge sentiments and tone in written form, but let me explain - it was simply a joke, nothing more. Had I been truly interested in you - be sure that I would have voiced my sentiments quite differently - and perhaps more discretely. Sorry man, you are not my type. For the very least, if you had an issue - why not speak to me personally about it - rather than voicing it in such a manner? Either way, I appologize for "hijacking" the thread - with my discussion that you have deemed inappropriate. But, I wish for you to consider - I did have questions tha directly touched upon the theme of the thread and I believe that it was dealt with (answered) professionaly.

        One more thing - I do hope that you understand the reference that I made to Chasen - in that it in no way took a shot or was a pun relating to homosexual behavior, but quite the opposite.

        Anyway, and not only as a disclaimer to you - but to all here - if you have an issue with me and/or my statements and views - please feel free to contact me so that we can come to a conclusion.
        Whatever is necessary, is never unwise.


        • #34
          Originally posted by AA 1818
          And I am less informative now? More importantly - do you even assume that I was serious in my statements? I appologize, as it is often difficult to accurately judge sentiments and tone in written form, but let me explain - it was simply a joke, nothing more. Had I been truly interested in you - be sure that I would have voiced my sentiments quite differently - and perhaps more discretely. Sorry man, you are not my type. For the very least, if you had an issue - why not speak to me personally about it - rather than voicing it in such a manner? Either way, I appologize for "hijacking" the thread - with my discussion that you have deemed inappropriate. But, I wish for you to consider - I did have questions tha directly touched upon the theme of the thread and I believe that it was dealt with (answered) professionaly.

          One more thing - I do hope that you understand the reference that I made to Chasen - in that it in no way took a shot or was a pun relating to homosexual behavior, but quite the opposite.

          Anyway, and not only as a disclaimer to you - but to all here - if you have an issue with me and/or my statements and views - please feel free to contact me so that we can come to a conclusion.
          I understood that it was a joke, but it seems like every single thread you make nowadays ends up in you jokingly hitting on someone. Was funny at first....but its getting a little bit old. Its not about you being gay, It would be equally as creepy if I hit on Pamela every time she posted....joking or not. In my opinion, it takes away from the purpose of the site, and probably scares away potential new members with interesting things to share.


          • #35
            I must agree.
            Ones gender or sexual preference is usually not relevant on this site.
            Standard practice for managers around the world:
            Ready - Fire - Aim! DAMN! Missed again!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Dmmoore
              I must agree.
              Ones gender or sexual preference is usually not relevant on this site.
              I agree as well

              I am sick of all this "I am gay here me roar" BS. Nobody cares about your sexual preference, get over yourselves!!
              Signatures are overrated


              • #37
                These silly conversations can be funny in one or two lines every now and then, or if kept in one thread. But lets not hijack the website and turn it into San Francisco edition.


                • #38
                  6/3161 = 0.001898133.
                  Whatever is necessary, is never unwise.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by AA 1818
                    6/3161 = 0.001898133.
                    Progress! Heyyy!

