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Where did England go?

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  • Where did England go?

    Muslims outraged at police advert featuring cute puppy sitting in policeman's hat

    A postcard featuring a cute puppy sitting in a policeman's hat advertising a Scottish police force's new telephone number has sparked outrage from Muslims.

    Tayside Police's new non-emergency phone number has prompted complaints from members of the Islamic community.

    The choice of image on the Tayside Police cards - a black dog sitting in a police officer's hat - has now been raised with Chief Constable John Vine.
    That's pretty sad.
    My Flickr Pictures! Click Me!

  • #2
    I'm sorry, but I am sick to death of this sort of BS! When are these people going to learn to live with the traditions and customs of this nation? And just what is wrong with this I'd like to know. Bloody Muslims whine and whinge about everything. They are responsible for much of the tension and trouble here, and yet we still tolerate them.

    Maybe unbelievers like me and millions of others should also start to complain whenever they come up with this sort of c**p! Time they learn't understanding and tolerance methinks. Otherwise our tolerance is going to disappear big time.



    • #3
      They whine and protest here because they cannot do that back in their homelands.


      • #4
        Originally posted by exmanx
        Bloody Muslims whine and whinge about everything. They are responsible for much of the tension and trouble here, and yet we still tolerate them.
        Not all Muslims are the same


        • #5
          This country is becoming a joke. If they don't like it they shouldn't come over, simple. I know theres alot of Muslims that have been born here, and of course they have the right to live here but theres far much shit they go on about.

          Im getting sick of us all being racist because we don't agree with them or there religion.

          Christmas lights are pretty much banned in Oldham, a town near me because of the Muslim population complaining that it's against there religion.

          I don't have a problem with Muslims, but some of them moan and expect far too much. If there going to come over, work you're arse off like the Polish do instead of trying to get everything for free

          Not all Muslims are the same
          I agree mate. I had plenty of Muslim friends in School whos families had worked hard for them to be here. They didn't moan, they didn't call everyone racist or moan about things that there religion didn't accept.


          • #6
            Originally posted by turbotraker
            Not all Muslims are the same
            But it's Muslims who are constantly whining and b*tching about everything offending them. They expect everyone to bend over backwards to appease them while demanding their "rights" supersede everyone else's.

            There is no right not to be offended.


            • #7
              Originally posted by RingwaySam

              Christmas lights are pretty much banned in Oldham, a town near me because of the Muslim population complaining that it's against there religion.
              They are banned in parts of Salford to. I actually put my own tree up in my house.

              I totally agree that the moaners should be told where to go. But all I am saying is don't tarnish all Muslims with the same brush.

              The street where I live is 80% Muslim. Of these 80% (about 70%) are Muslims who were born here. The 20% or so of other religions freely put up decorations all over the exterior of their own houses. This alone brings some joy to us who don't celebrate Christmas.

              Believe it or not, I have been invited to a Church tomorrow to shoot some pictures for their up coming magazine, all for free, of course.

              But it's Muslims who are constantly whining and b*tching about everything offending them. They expect everyone to bend over backwards to appease them while demanding their "rights" supersede everyone else's.

              There is no right not to be offended.
              I understand what you're saying and rightly the moaners should be told to f%%k off. And how anyone can be offended by a puppy. I am Muslim, my brother is a dog breeder. I have kept dogs, even married one.

              I have never been offended by any traditions here, why? Because I am British Muslim
              Last edited by turbotraker; 2008-07-04, 20:16.


              • #8
                Turbotracker, I'm glad you put your 2 cents here. I'm pretty sure everyone knows it's not all Muslims that whine and protest. It is very frustrating to watch our politicians bend over backwards for the minorities while they trample the rights of the majority and tell us to shut up and put up simply because we are white.

                In Rome, do as the Romans. We certainly would have to if we moved to their country.


                • #9
                  Turbo, I meant no offence to you and if I appeared to be lumping all Muslims under one banner then, sorry.

                  However, when I constantly read of things like this I get really angry. The fact that any religion can practice here with remarkable frredom should be enough, but some Muslims think that they are the only sacrosanct religion and therefore we should all bow down to their whims and wishes.

                  I try very hard to be tolerant and understanding, especially as I am completely unreligious, but when I read articles like this I cannot understand why we put up with the ridiculous posturing and demands.

                  If they dont like living in a country where they are free to practice their religion, then go somewhere else and see how they get on.



                  • #10
                    Unfortunatly, when you have out of control political correctness along with an all too generous welfare state, that's what happens.

                    All of the Muslims I know here in the US are normal people and don't seem to be overly religious, more like Cafeteria Muslims if you will. Which is good, since overly religous people in general are annoying no matter what religion they are and would always find something they could complain about. While this type of stuff is not unheard of here (usually one idiot getting butthurt over a x-mas tree in some random town or something like that), it seems to be a much more prevalent and real problem in Europe. I guess Europe gets most of the undesirables because it's easier from them to go there and/or get benefits (not sure on this fact, but I can't see any other reason).

                    What's worse is that this type of behavior can rub off poorly on people such as Turbotracker who aren't that way, but have to deal with the sterotype created by the lot of undesirables. To me that's the worst part of it, people who are trying to assimilate and be normal have a harder time because of all the idiots who like to make themselves visible.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by exmanx
                      Turbo, I meant no offence to you and if I appeared to be lumping all Muslims under one banner then, sorry.
                      No offence taken, I just want to make people aware all Muslims are not the same. There are people who work very hard and pay back into the system, then there are the lazy bastard (in all religions) who are either born in the UK and decide the country owes them a living. Claiming their weekly/monthly handouts, getting pissed then moaning that they have no money.

                      Then there's the immigrants who arrive here illegally and are under the impression the UK tax payer should house, feed and clothe them. Then to put the icing on the bitter cake, start spouting anti-western gibberish like this clown.

                      There are immigrants who work hard and earn a living doing jobs some domestic unemployed say they are beyond.

                      Originally posted by exmanx
                      If they dont like living in a country where they are free to practice their religion, then go somewhere else and see how they get on.

                      Couldn't agree more. try going to Saudi Arabia, Iran or Pakistan and attempt to impose Christanity upon the locals, there will be limbs everywhere.

                      Originally posted by ptbodale
                      Turbotracker, I'm glad you put your 2 cents here. I'm pretty sure everyone knows it's not all Muslims that whine and protest. It is very frustrating to watch our politicians bend over backwards for the minorities while they trample the rights of the majority and tell us to shut up and put up simply because we are white.

                      In Rome, do as the Romans. We certainly would have to if we moved to their country.
                      Part of the problem is right there!!! Our 'polititians' have let this influx go on for too long. Now there is not much that can be done about it other than retorting to violence. But will that solve the problem?

                      Originally posted by Airbus_A320
                      Unfortunatly, when you have out of control political correctness along with an all too generous welfare state, that's what happens.
                      Cut off ALL state handouts to people who shouldn't be here, will send a message to others that there is nothing here for them. I am sure some European countries are doing/on the brink of this.

                      Originally posted by Airbus_A320
                      What's worse is that this type of behavior can rub off poorly on people such as Turbotracker who aren't that way, but have to deal with the sterotype created by the lot of undesirables. To me that's the worst part of it, people who are trying to assimilate and be normal have a harder time because of all the idiots who like to make themselves visible.
                      Having worked hard all my working life, it does piss me off that some people can do nothing and get paid for it.
                      I pay over £800 per month in TAXES alone to this government. Yet I cannot go for a walk after dark without the fear of being robbed by some lazy Chav.
                      This goverment is all about taxing the last drop of blood from the honest workers and shitting on them when we need help.

                      Our government can spend billions of our money helping other countries, yet our own people here are dying because our National Health Services in dire straits. Our hospital are over crowded and victorian.

                      I hold down two jobs, go to the pub (don't drink ), have been in a Church (not Charlotte), enjoy xmas decorations.

                      Ahhhh a world without religion, peacefull?

                      I am now getting carried away

                      Blame this guy for my rant.
                      Last edited by turbotraker; 2008-07-05, 07:11.


                      • #12
                        The correct response to this situtation (in which they find the sight discomforting) would be to hold a public forum, and place the item to a vote - in which all members of the community are given the right to choose whether the display is offensive or not. The Muslims that are protesting the measure are keen in that they understand well that to be vocal can and will benefit them, especially in a lagging democracy (where the average person does not believe in the democratic process - or no longer sees it as relevent or worth participating in). So, it put to a vote - in which all voices can be heard - there is a great chance that the other segments of the population will be heard, and futher that this one -albiet vocal group - will be hushed, or rather - moderated by the true feelings of Scotsmen (irregardless of religious affirmation).
                        Whatever is necessary, is never unwise.

