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The Cold War never ended.

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  • The Cold War never ended.

    Just wanted to know what people think about this missile defense idea, Russia seems to be not backing down, well they are taking a stand. And the U.S is not backing down, taking a step forward for there plans with a U.S-Czech agreement. Here are two links, the first is a U.S link, the second is a Qatar based link. Thanks.



    keep adding links and info.

  • #2
    It's a conspiracy, man.


    • #3
      What I don't get is the proposed location. Czech Rep. and Poland are not that close to Iran. Given, I don't know much about early detection or ballistic missles but one would think proximity is a huge factor. Seems Romania or even Iraq would be more suitable location if the goal is to protect Europe.


      • #4


        • #5
          What I don't understand is this...we've said it a million times we won't let Iran get a if that's the case why do we need to install a missile defense system against a country that theoretically will never have a nuke?


          • #6
            Ever hear of the black market? How are we going to stop them exactly?

            Iran is stupid. Their president is saying one thing and their general is saying "Well our finger's on the trigger of thousands of missiles."
            Tanner Johnson - Owner
            twenty53 Photography


            • #7

              Originally posted by tommyalf
              What I don't understand is this...we've said it a million times we won't let Iran get a if that's the case why do we need to install a missile defense system against a country that theoretically will never have a nuke?

              They don't want to make a nuke, they are not making a nuke, they are seeking energy. The IAEA and UN have both found nothing inside Iran to prove otherwise. they have the right to energy under the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,we must not forget that.


              • #8
                Originally posted by tommyalf
                What I don't understand is this...we've said it a million times we won't let Iran get a if that's the case why do we need to install a missile defense system against a country that theoretically will never have a nuke?
                We can't stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons if they want to. What Iran is doing is entirely rational anyway. They are surrounded by numerous nuclear weapon states. Also, if the US invaded Iraq because, supposedly, they were about to develop nukes, the best way for Iran to deter an attack by another country is to get those nukes developed fast. The US is hoist with its own petard here.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Vinco
                  What I don't get is the proposed location. Czech Rep. and Poland are not that close to Iran. Given, I don't know much about early detection or ballistic missles but one would think proximity is a huge factor. Seems Romania or even Iraq would be more suitable location if the goal is to protect Europe.
                  Poland and the Czech Republic are good compromises on grounds of distance and political stability. Further east probably doesn't work on the latter grounds (although the Russians offered a facility in Azerbaijan which was rejected by the US on several geopolitical and technical grounds). You don't really want the detectors too close to Iran in order to give yourself at least some time to analyse the seriousness and the nature of any possible threat.


                  • #10
                    North Korea

                    Originally posted by HalcyonDays
                    We can't stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons if they want to. What Iran is doing is entirely rational anyway. They are surrounded by numerous nuclear weapon states. Also, if the US invaded Iraq because, supposedly, they were about to develop nukes, the best way for Iran to deter an attack by another country is to get those nukes developed fast. The US is hoist with its own petard here.
                    Just like North Korea did, is doing.


                    • #11




                      • #12
                        Lock and ban k thx


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Crism
                          Lock and ban k thx
                          er, why?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Crism
                            Lock and ban k thx
                            I don't understand the discussion, but I still want to get attention, so I'm going to say something demeaning with the hopes of looking cool and funny.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by TaCA
                              They don't want to make a nuke, they are not making a nuke, they are seeking energy. The IAEA and UN have both found nothing inside Iran to prove otherwise. they have the right to energy under the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,we must not forget that.
                              If you really believe that, I have a bridge to sell you in Manhattan.

                              Wait a minute, given your posting history, you probably do believe it.

