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The Cold War never ended.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Star Alliance
    I don't understand the discussion, but I still want to get attention, so I'm going to say something demeaning with the hopes of looking cool and funny.
    No discussion...everything this guy posts is bull and it's sickening


    • #17
      Even if Iran is building Nukes, for crying out loud Israel could wipe them off the map at a moments notice (by the way, just to clear things up, Iran doesn't hate Jews (there are plenty of Jews who live in Iran, and whose protection is contained outlined in their constitution), they hate Zionists, and there is a difference). Iran isn't going to go and Nuke America, there is no good reason to. However, the US congress (supported fully by the democrats, and somewhat by the republicans) wants a Nuclear first strike against Iran as soon as September, for the reason "if we don't nuke them, they'll nuke us" which is utter rubbish. However, if America does nuke Iran, Iran has made it clear that they will not roll over, with a military that isn't as big a joke as many thing, and strategic alliances with Russia and China, America could easily bite off more than it can chew in this situation.

      Just mind, that I do not intend to offend anyone with that quick statement, and if you do take it offensively I apologize.


      • #18
        NIE report.

        Originally posted by B757300
        If you really believe that, I have a bridge to sell you in Manhattan.

        Wait a minute, given your posting history, you probably do believe it.

        You should really take the time to read the NIE report. Which is a report put out by this country 16 intelligence agencies. If you can find the report you will see is not building a nuke. I just wish people took the time to read what is really happening. The White House and the 4th branch of the government aka, the media, is selling us a false war again. The very people who know, our intelligence agencies are saying one thing, but we are told another. Turn off your T.V. and Read, Read, Read.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Chris@YYZ
          Even if Iran is building Nukes, for crying out loud Israel could wipe them off the map at a moments notice....
          While I agreed with most of what you said, I think this statement is extremely questionable, logistically and militarily. This would not be another Osirak.


          • #20
            [QUOTE=TaCA]You should really take the time to read the NIE report. Which is a report put out by this country 16 intelligence agencies. If you can find the report you will see ffice:smarttags" />lace w:st="on">Iranlace> is not building a nuke. I just wish people took the time to read what is really happening. The White House and the 4th branch of the government aka, the media, is selling us a false war again. [/QUOTE]

            They may be, but last year's NIE was very much an instrument of Bush Administration policy. Most NIEs are political documents, if you look at their history. I am not saying that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon, but it was convenient last year for the Administration to de-emphasize any threat.


            • #21
              Originally posted by TaCA
              You should really take the time to read the NIE report. Which is a report put out by this country 16 intelligence agencies. If you can find the report you will see ffice:smarttags" />lace w:st="on">Iranlace> is not building a nuke. I just wish people took the time to read what is really happening. The White House and the 4th branch of the government aka, the media, is selling us a false war again. [/QUOTE]

              They may be, but last year's NIE was very much an instrument of Bush Administration policy. Most NIEs are political documents, if you look at their history. I am not saying that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon, but it was convenient last year for the Administration to de-emphasize any threat.
              True, can't say your wrong. But the NIE report on Iran from Dec. 2007 had no findings on a bomb, or even a current program to build one. Iran's program was stopped in 2003. The crazy part is that after this report was released, the white house had them release a 2nd smaller report that left the this part off of it.


              • #22
                Isn't Ahmadinejad ready to blow Israel away if they invade or do anything to Iran?

                Should Israel take any action against Iran, we will eliminate Israel from the scene of the universe
                How do you eliminate a country?

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                • #23
                  Originally posted by JSchraub
                  Isn't Ahmadinejad ready to blow Israel away if they invade or do anything to Iran?

                  How do you eliminate a country?

                  Ashtiani's statements sound a lot like Nasser's just before 1967. Repeat of that confict with Iran will, in my opinion, have similar consequences.


                  • #24
                    Israel possesses enough nuclear weapons and delivery systems to destroy every target of consequence in Iran if necessary. Would they do it? If Iran is stupid enough to attack Israel, then there is no doubt the retaliatory strike will be swift and massive.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by B757300
                      Israel possesses enough nuclear weapons and delivery systems to destroy every target of consequence in Iran if necessary. Would they do it? If Iran is stupid enough to attack Israel, then there is no doubt the retaliatory strike will be swift and massive.
                      I don't think anyone is really saying that Iran will/would attack Israel. I think if anything is to happen, Israel(with U.S. backing) would attack Iran's nuclear facilities, Which would lead to a Iran attack on Israel and U.S. bases in the region. after that, who knows....but I think a land attack and troops going into Iran will not happen.


                      • #26
                        Iran will not attack Israel (at least as a first-strike). Iran, despite what we are led to believe, is a rational country. There are competing power centers in Iran, and Ahmadinejad is merely one of those and a weak one at that, being merely full of rhetoric and a buffoon. The greater powers in Iran rest with the Ayatollahs, the military and the governmental civil service. Iran has numerous economic weaknesses and problems at present and is not seeking to make war. That's not to say it's not trying to exploit US weaknesses on both sides of its border, but it is not about to launch a full frontal attack pre-emptively.


                        • #27
                          2007 NIE report on Iran


                          declassified version. Link:


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by JSchraub
                            Isn't Ahmadinejad ready to blow Israel away if they invade or do anything to Iran?
                            Even without any aggression by Israel, IWantAJihad has often enough said that he "wants to wipe Israel of the face of the Earth".

