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I know it's scam email but look at this LOL!

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  • I know it's scam email but look at this LOL!

    Hi Y'all,

    Just FYI.

    I noticed the word "Alaska Airlines" in email letter. It is full of boloney!! I don't reply to them. Don't reply to any of UK email. I already click on report spam email. Look the amount of number it was an error. Someone is an idiot don't know how to write numbers! LOL! That's not 19,3000,000.00 should be 19,300,000.00.


    Walter Frank
    133 Fleet Street,
    London EC4A 2BB.


    I am Micheal Smith the Personal Attorney to Late: Morris Thompson, 61, of Fairbanks, Alaska. an American who unfortunately lost his life in the plane crash of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 which crashed on January 31 2000, including his wife and only daughter. You shall read more about the crash on visiting the below site. I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin / Beneficiary to the deceased so that this said funds can be paid to you. This will be disbursed or shared in these percentages, 50% to me and 50% to you.

    Since he passed away I have made several inquires and attempts to locate the next of kin to my late client but all attempts have been unsuccessfully. As a result, I decided to carry out a personal search to locate a foreigner who will stand as the next of kin to my late client for the purpose of securing the fund from the bank for our mutual benefit, hence I am contacting

    The deceased had a deposit account of $19,3000,000.00 (Ninteen Million three hundred thousand Dollar) in a bank here before his death. You should forward alone your current telephone and fax number,including your current mailing address. I hope to hear from you in no distant time.

    [1] Name: ________________________________

    [2] Address: ____________________________

    [3] Age: _________________________________

    [4] Sex: _________________________________

    [5] Telephone: __________________________

    [6] Fax: _________________________________

    [7] Occupation status: __________________

    [8] International passport: __________________

    Kindly indicate your willingness to enable us proceed with the initial step for the claim. The entire project is expected to last about ten business days from the day we forward the application of claims to the bank.

    Please get back to me through my email address:[email protected] to enable us discuss further.

    Best regards,
    Micheal Smith

  • #2
    I mostly recieve the same kind of message from either Abidjan/Ivory Coast or Cotonou/Bénin and outlining the same kind of story and coming along with the same models. I am lawyer so & so I represent Mr so & so, my client who unfortunately died in a road accident, but since my client has no family left .... Yours is interesting in some ways as the plotters/senders located the story in the United States instead of Western Africa and is owed to a plane crash instead of a road accident .
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    • #3
      Bloody Nigerians.


      • #4
        ^Africa's most seasonned mobsters, but don't overlook the Cameroonian feyman In wrecking the image of his country, he is second to none I have in mind a growing list of countries which now ban the access to Cameroonians whichever their conditions... As soon as he/she lands at some particular countries, the next step calls for a non-stop flight to some places of custody
        Last edited by uy707; 2008-07-13, 18:43.
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        *Avimage's Monthly Slide list *


        • #5
          I take great delight in winding them up. Say I'm interested but I have to check that they are who they are to protect myself. I ask them to post a picture of themselves holding a card, with a message that I dictate to them on it, on a VERY politically inappropriate ambulancemans' website that I use.

          The last one actually posted a picture of himself ( I assume it was him ) holding a card on which was written " I like Wayne King"
          Wayne King was the name I gave to him as being mine. Say that name quickly !!!
          That one lasted for a good two or three weeks before they caught on.
          If it 'ain't broken........ Don't try to mend it !


          • #6
            Originally posted by brianw999
            I take great delight in winding them up. Say I'm interested but I have to check that they are who they are to protect myself. I ask them to post a picture of themselves holding a card, with a message that I dictate to them on it, on a VERY politically inappropriate ambulancemans' website that I use.

            The last one actually posted a picture of himself ( I assume it was him ) holding a card on which was written " I like Wayne King"
            Wayne King was the name I gave to him as being mine. Say that name quickly !!!
            That one lasted for a good two or three weeks before they caught on.
            Freakin genius. I guess you've heard of There's a ton of pictures like that.
            It's quite sick that somebody would use the name of a victim of that crash for a scam though.


            • #7
              PLOT 51/A NKRUMAH AVENUE,
              KUMASI - GHANA.

              Dear Sir/Madam,

              I want to use this opportunity to let you know that we are accredited commission agent to the Government of Ghana on contract allocation to foreign Companies around the Globe.

              The Government of Ghana received a Loan from INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (IDA) for rural developments and some part of the Money has been budgetted for the supply of the following products to the related Ministries here in Ghana.
              The products needed urgently are as stated below:

              An offer exist for the supply of the below listed items :

              1. Hospital bed sheets
              2. Tractors/Lawn Mowers
              3. Water Treating Chemicals
              4.Aniaml Feeds/ingredients
              5. T-shirts,Towels
              6. Bibles, Books / Stationeries
              7. Building Materials, Tiles, Marbles and Cement
              8 Rugs/Carpets
              9. Computer, Laptop and Desk Tops/Musical Instruments
              10. Water
              11. Fertilizers
              12. Condoms
              13.Laboratory Equipments
              14.Furniture and cases,bed
              15.Storage Tanks, Pumps and Machines
              16.Lighting products / Lighting Poles
              17.Rice,Coffee, Cereals/Unprocessed Plant Products Agricultural
              18.Treated Mosquito Nets
              19.Water Filtration and Purification Systems
              21.Fire Extinguishers

              And other unlisted Products and please specify the product (s) you can supply.

              Tender is open to all eligible foreign contractors from eligible source countries as defined in the guidelines of the procurement Board of the Republic of Ghana.If you can handle the supply of any of the above items, get back to me for more details. I am a commision agent.


              Mr. Franklin Mark.

              My reply:

              Mr. Mark,
              I have many condoms to give to your cause. However, they are all made of toilet tissue.
              It's utilising a novel new process, whereby the toilet tissue is laminated by a common
              office laminator. It's really quite useful, and quite efficacious, as far as our tests on
              the common American Groundhog has shown.
              If you're still interested, please send me another mail.
              Thank you,
              Professor Wayne King Off
              Intsitute of Alternative Contraceptives, Experimental Condom Division
              This is fun. I'm gonna do more.


              • #8
                Brian, wow, thats great!

                I like to mess with these types too, but I don't recall anything I've said to them. I'll post the next one.


                • #9
                  Brian is brilliant
                  content of Mitchell's one brings a change from the usual ones centered in problems of succession , not the case of my latest delivery although they made the effort to relocate the origin at Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
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                  • #10
                    Making up for some change , I get a magus !!!

                    who envisions a whole year of travel under the sun. Although redacted in French, I could not resist sharing DR Aimée Pabossé's deal (phonetic : Aymeh Pahbossay)

                    Speedy results - garanteed sun
                    Specialized Intervention
                    Solves all your professional troubles
                    Outstanding Aimé Pabossé frees you from your professional troubles
                    by making you win a year of sunny vacation
                    No solution without problems
                    Free trial
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                    • #11
                      One of my web email inboxes is absolutely full of these types of email. It's very weird as my main email address that I use doesn't get any at all.

