Thanks for your interest and visits. Let's speak of two very long standing foes' head of states on close encounters but who are up to do their utmost to avoid any incident. Enjoy the choregraphy they deployed to complete the task 
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Syrian President Bashar Assad came within a hand's span of touching on Monday, despite the latter's declaration that the two leaders would not shake hands at the Mediterranean summit in Paris.
It took some deft maneuvering and seemingly careful choreography by both to ensure there was no unexpected contact in the crush of world leaders at the Bastille Day celebrations in the French capital.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Syrian President Bashar Assad came within a hand's span of touching on Monday, despite the latter's declaration that the two leaders would not shake hands at the Mediterranean summit in Paris.
It took some deft maneuvering and seemingly careful choreography by both to ensure there was no unexpected contact in the crush of world leaders at the Bastille Day celebrations in the French capital.