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I hate Apple!

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  • Cam
    VW went to sh!t because they moved their production to Mexico and they couldn't build has gotten better.

    My next car will be a VW.

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  • KSEAfan
    Good point. I agree. Though I miss PC's familiarity horribly

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  • n777co
    For you vista haters that haven't used it before. For thoughts of you that have used it. How much have you used it? A couple hours, a week, 10 min? I have used Vista for well over 1 year now and haven't had a problem with it. I find that ones who look and use vista for a very short time don't really take the time to learn it. It is almost the exact same as XP just with newer stuff and looks a whole lot better. Now some of you might ask have I used Apples OSX 10. Yes I have my friend has a iMac and I have to admit that it is a very nice computer. And yes many things are different about it. I would say buy a computer on what you are mostly going to use it for. If it is mostly used for Photo, Video editing. I would go with the Mac. But if you are going to use it for business, school, games, and yes even photo editing (PS) then I would go with Microsoft (XP or Vista). Even though I have heard mixed reviews on vista I will still back it up just a little bit more than OSX 10. Both are great computers and have their advantages and disadvantages.

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  • RCoulter
    Originally posted by JordanD
    They're the Volkswagens of computers. Hip and cool but they don't work worth a sh*t.

    Is that why my Mac Pro is the fastest and most stable computer I have ever used?

    Just to be clear, I have matured and have gotten past my "fanboi" tendencies (except for my car, Subaru STI ) so don't think I am one of "those" Apple followers who think Steve Jobs is the next God.

    I agree that the price may be a bit high, but not by much and I am able to change pretty much anything I want, only the CPU's aren't really upgradeable but that's fine by me. In my opinion I don't mind the slightly higher price as the service is amazing and the OS is much more stable.

    It sucks that you can't buy the OS just by itself, I agree and hope they change that but I doubt that as when they tried letting other people sell "clones" they almost went bankrupt so I don't see that happening.

    I still use my old PC as a gaming rig as like most people I know Apples are not that good for gaming, but that's ok as that sometimes can screw with a computer. My only nitpicks with my Mac are that there is no physical eject button for the optical drives, and of course there is the mouse , but I can use my favorite PC mouse still that also solves the slow cursor movement.

    My main point is don't knock something because you may have had one bad experience or haven't used it at all. I have used Vista multiple times and hate it so that helped with my decision once I got past my Apple hate and I am now loving it.

    Sorry if that seems like a ramble of words but I have killer headache so my brain isn't 100%
    Last edited by RCoulter; 2008-08-11, 21:13.

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  • Tanner_J

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  • JordanD
    They're the Volkswagens of computers. Hip and cool but they don't work worth a sh*t.

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  • KSEAfan
    I bought my first Macbook last September. Needless to say, my next computer will be a PC.

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  • Retired
    Yet MS gets fined for being a monopoly. It shows how our gov't penalizes you if your successful, rich & don't provide kickbacks to Congress (see oil companies).

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  • Airbus_A320
    Originally posted by Uncle Jay
    Example, wireless went out. ???? What to do ? Turns out, it was because the keyboard connector went bad. How in hell is a dummy user supposed to figure that out ?
    Send it back to apple and buy a new laptop

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  • Uncle Jay
    You can !!!

    OS-X is just Unix with a pretty face on it. It is readily available from Red Hat and many other vendors.

    BTW I have friends with Macs who constantly have trouble becasue there is no way to find out what is wrong. The are so insulated from the technical layer there is no way to attack a problem.

    Example, wireless went out. ???? What to do ? Turns out, it was because the keyboard connector went bad. How in hell is a dummy user supposed to figure that out ?

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  • screaming_emu
    Originally posted by Crism
    GAY porn
    Whatever floats your boat man.

    From the people I know that went/go to riddle makes me think that its almost a requirement.
    Last edited by screaming_emu; 2008-08-08, 17:13.

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  • Crism
    Originally posted by screaming_emu
    GAY porn

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  • screaming_emu
    Originally posted by turbotraker
    Oh, birthday greetings Joe, you're a quarter of a century old .
    Thank you sir....

    Not that this is any secret to all of you, but mentally I stopped maturing at about 15

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  • turbotraker
    Oh, birthday greetings Joe, you're a quarter of a century old .

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  • screaming_emu
    Originally posted by Crism
    PC all the's 100% perfect when you know how to use it the right way, which few people do.

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